Chapter 7

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It was an enchanting day, suddenly I feel like I can take a deep breath of clean air while all these days made me feel suffocated as if I'm in a fire, although I don't know how it would feel like for real as I have never been in fire. Perhaps like how I felt after Peter's death, my heart constricting and my lungs trying to take as much air as it can but not enough. My heart pumping harder due to adrenaline as it tried to stay alive. Now I feel like I can take a deep breath in and feel content with air, as if I'm a balloon of pure oxygen. I sighed contently as I got out of the bath.

I rummaged my closet for something to wear, preferably something that would not mistake me as a dead body in front of Dr. Jane or as a mental patient in case if Christian was lying. I picked a pair of black jeans and a red blouse.

"How do I look in this?" I asked as I modeled it in front of Peter.

"Are you going on a date?" he asked as he rolled his eyes.

I cast him a look filled with distaste. "You didn't have to be so rude about it" I grumbled under my breath as I rummaged my closet hoping a shirt with 'I'm not a psycho or a dead body' printed on the front to appear magically out of the air. You don't need to even have to imagine that Peter is going to come with me, he thinks my detective is inexperienced, in other words, what we are doing is stupid so doesn't want to tag along. As far as I'm concerned he can rot in hell and I don't need him to make comments, distracting me.

I took out a black knee-length floral skirt and a red shirt.

"How about this?" I asked.

"It's okay" he answered reluctantly.

I rolled my eyes at him. Sometimes I really wonder what I saw in him, especially when he is acting like a two year whose candy was snatched by a kid. I really truly resisted the urge to sigh but it slipped out.

I got dressed and started wondering if I should cover up my dark circles or not when a car honked in the neighborhood, more precisely in front of my apartment. I jumped. For a moment I thought it was Christian. I pulled back the curtain and peered down to see which asshole it was, to see Eric. That uncivilized asshole! Why can't he just press the intercom like a normal person? I tried to calm my erratic heart by taking a deep breath in.

I took my phone out and dialed him because I was lazy to go downstairs and because he was an asshole. Besides, he looked like he didn't want to come up.

"Really?" I asked when he answered the phone.

He chuckled. "What? I thought it would be a nice surprise." He said innocently; seemingly innocent.

This talk is going to be a long one. My sixth sense is telling me so. I decided with makeup and started applying my concealer.

"It's not my birthday," I replied annoyed.

"I thought we will have a dinner together. You have been cooped up in that apartment for so long"

"I have an appointment," I said sadly, "let's have one tomorrow"

He hummed as if saying it was okay. "Which client is bothering you now?" he asked curiously.

"The new one"

"I see, I guess I will eat dinner all alone" he sighed dramatically trying to make me feel guilty.

"We both know you just want to have a reason to chat with the waitress there. According to you, she looked, and I quote, smoking sexy."

"That's not true" he defended, "I have my eyes only on you" he sang.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well, good-bye to you," I said singing it back to him in a made up tune and hung up.

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