Chapter 3

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"What are you two doing here?" I asked incredulously. When I had opened the door, the person I least expected were Tiffany and Ashley. I had expected more of the bubbly Barbie next door to bring me cookies followed by me being rude to her. Tiffany rolled her thick eye lined brown eyes and entered without even bothering a response. I guess that's what I'm going to get from her. I turned to Ashley with an expectant look.

"We are assembling here to decide how to kill a sniveling piece of shit without getting caught". she said seriously. I narrowed my eyes at her hoping that with my scrutinizing gaze I will be able to detect whether she was being sarcastic or not. No, not today. She apparently without bothering to explain any further moved past me and slouched on the sofa and hummed contently. What she didn't know was how peter was looking at her disgusted because she took his space. He gets possessive of that sofa; because...well, I think it has something to do with how its color resembles that of a poop. Did I mention how much I hate its color even though it's comfortable? It's a very ugly shade of yellow.

Peter had turned up a day later telling me he heard a gossip about how 'Ironic love's' savior is a 'tough cookie' and figures I had finally accepted the case. I think he's lying because I hadn't exactly accepted the case; I just gave him an appointment. And I don't think Christian is that hopeful.

My reaction to what he said? I was majorly offended he thought of me as a 'tough cookie' and refused to acknowledge him without an apology.

"Last time I came I was blinded by hunger that I couldn't check out your new place." she said after she found a comfortable spot on my sofa, "This place is huge"

The bigger it is, the lonelier you feel.

"Are we killing Christian?" I finally asked when I couldn't think of any other 'sniveling piece of shits'.

"No, my ex-boyfriend Taylor" Tiffany replied instead as she came to the living room munching my Hershey's chocolate chip cookie. I resisted the urge to choke her and sighed. Cookielicious...I will miss you.

"If you keep sighing like this I might think you have asthma." Ashley said rolling her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked

"That bat dung asshole was cheating on me with that fucking Emily!" she said kicking my poop sofa with her black combat boots not even bothering with the fact that Ashley and Peter were sitting on it. I was thanking my stars because I had no idea who Emily was. If I knew as much as her last name, I would be in her torture chamber strapped to a chair.

"I think it has something to do with your aggressive nature Tiffany." Ashley said miffed for being treated as a part of the sofa.

"Scarlett" she corrected, "How many times do I have to tell you that you don't get to call me that outside your fucking shop? We have rules, Ashley, fucking rules that says no bossing me around, no Tiffany, and no making me remove my makeup outside your fucking pink shop." she screamed.

Peter was openly laughing at Ashley.

"Wow dude, calm down, okay?" Ashley said with a low voice to make her calm down. "it's not my fault that old ladies thinks you're Satan's spawn because of your gothic outfit" she cleared her throat when she noticed that Tiffa-Scarlett has not calmed down but her anger has in fact increased, "Anyway we decided that death is his punishment, right?" she asked turning to me. Way to go and pull me into this.

"How about we put super glue in his shampoo instead?" I asked trying to steer my friends from landing themselves into jail, "He adores his Mohawk"

"Hmm...That's a nice idea but how about-" Tiffany was interrupted from her evil thought as the intercom buzzed. Thank god! I didn't want nightmares.

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