Bounus Chapter

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"What about this one? It'll go good with that blue."

"I don't like that shade, it makes my head hurt."

"I'm sorry, who's living here?"

"Right, sorry."

I roll my eyes at my fiance and his cousins, who right now were in the kitchen, arguing over a paint color for the living room wall. Tori, who sat cross legged on the ground, stared amused at the three males. "And you'd think that's what we'd be doing. I honestly think that they're spending too much time with us, they're acting like girls on prom night," she laughs, causing Rafael, Mikhail and Gabriel to look at her weirdly.

The two of us laugh, I take a sip from the glass of juice in my hand, nodding in agreement. "True true. I honestly think that if Gabe's hair was longer, he'd pass as a chick." Kate says from near the stove, and Gabriel rolls his eyes, "Back to that again?"

"I'm never letting it go sweetie."

Everyone had come over this Sunday, it was sort of like a huge family party. Aunt Raven, Rafael's parents and a few others were in the back yard, and Lucian and Elizabeth have yet to arrive.

No one really talked about that mess from the past, and quite right too, it's well in the back of everyone's mind after three years. But there were times when my mind would wander, to what might've happened.

A year ago, Rafael and I moved in together in a house of our own, life has never been easier. "Just because you're a werewolf babe, doesn't mean you'd hear me coming, I'll get you good." Kate and Nigel had broken up a few months a back, and I was doing my  best to make sure she was happy and getting over him.

But she's doing fine on her own,not that she needs me, because just a few weeks after her break up, Gabe told the boys that he had found his mate.

Which they were all surprised at.
I walk to the door after the door bell sounds, which must be Elizabeth and Lucian. I open the door, expecting the couple, only to be tackled by a tiny person.

"Aunt Scarlet!" Renee says, wrapping her small arms around my waist. "Oh! Hey sweetie," I smile, picking the eight year old off the ground in a hug.

Renee was a normally shy girl, she would more like to stay cooped up with her nose in a book, but she had came out of her shell the more she interacted with people. Elizabeth walks up to the the porch, Lucian coming slowly after, hold their one year old son.

"Lizzie, it's great to see you. Thanks for coming," I pull her in for a hug after setting down Renee, Elizabeth smiling back at me,

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it" Lucian watched the two of us interact front of him.

"You two saw each other yesterday." he says, looking between us.

"And? You see me every day and yet you still tell me that you missed me." Elizabeth counters, laughing when Lucian rolls his eyes.

The three of us step into the house, immediately going to the kitchen where the others were. I excusing myself to go see what Aunt Raven and the others were up to. I followed the sound of laughter and chatter to the back patio, where Anthony, Julie, Aunt Raven and Kate's mother Susan were.

Sophie sat with Simon in one corner of the backyard, Simon reading a book and Sophie reading it over his shoulder.

"Oh hey sweetie, how're things inside?" Aunt Raven asks smiling at me.

"Well, Lucian and Lizzie just came in and The boys are still arguing over paint colours." the group chuckles, Anthony stood by the grill where an assortment of different meats were, ready to be put into buns and such, "Well, lunch is almost ready so get everyone out," I nod going back inside calling everyone.


A cheerful buzz was floating through the air as everyone gathered outside, drinking and laughing. The sun was setting now, and Rafael I sat on the grass, me tucked comfortably into Rafael's side, his arm protectively around my waist.

The children running around under the backyard lights and fireflies with sparklers, Simon surprising everyone as he joined in with Renee and Sophie.

Gabriel was chasing them with a sparkler of his own, Kate and Tori sitting on the stairs of the patio, chatting away. Lucian and Elisabeth were chatting in a quiet corner with the adults talking about one thing or another.

"This is pretty nice yeah?" Rafael mumbles into my hair, and I chuckle lightly, "Yeah, it is." I smile when his lips presses against my temple, his thumb rubbing circles into my skin where my tee shirt had ridden up. I sat, watching up at the sky that had darkened considerably in the few minutes that passed, the stars coming out to play in the shadows of the universe.

And my mind wander back to then, and the time before that. What would've happened if I didn't want to go to the library that day, would Rafael and I even meet? And would the follow ups even occur? Honestly it's a hard thing to think about, to think that none of this would've happened if I didn't, but I did, and I'm happy.

"Hey, Scar. Did you tell him yet?" Tori asks, bouncing over to us, stopping in her tracks as I shoot her a glare. The brunette girl's enthusiasm quickly dwindles away. "Oh...."

Great now I'm gonna have to.

"I was getting to that Tori." I say, giving my cousin-in-law a pointed look as Rafael moves away, pulling back to look at me properly.

"Tell me what?" he asks seriously, looking between the both of us like we knew something he didn't, which we did. I sigh, turning to face him, "I'm not going to ease you into this. I'm pregnant."

The others cheer behind us, saying congratulations and Kate muttering about how she was going to kill him. But Rafael just stared, with a blank face, as if his his brain just fried.



"I told you he'd be shocked, just let it register in his mind." Mikhail says, who was standing not too far from where they sat.

Rafael blinks, furrowing his eyebrows, a worried look setting in on his features. "Scarlet..."

Okay, maybe now wasn't the best time to tell him, or the best way either.. too forward... Ugh.

As bad thoughts formulate in my mind, Rafael takes my hand, brushing his lips against my knuckles softly. He smiles brightly, looking a bit teary eyed, "Are you sure you're ready for this Kitten? I mean this is a new page."

"I think it was a new page the minute I met you."

Everyone around us share a laugh, "But yes, completely ready."

"And you think I approve of this?" Kate says dramatically, waving her hands about like a child on a tantrum.

"No I don't. I let you go as far as getting engaged and now this. What's next? A wedding?"

"Just ignore her."

"Hey! Don't ignore me!"

Hello again people, this is the official last update for Wolf's Mate! The bonus chapter! Yayy. Sorry for the long wait, I really am, life just pulls.

But I hope you guys enjoyed this, it was fun to write, considering that everyone's happy. And they're having a baby! ❤ It's all very sweet.

Well, thanks for reading! You lot stay sweet! ❤❤

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