
623 45 7

Edited 20/06/2016


I walk into the kitchen, Mikhail sitting at the table, eating what seems to be cereal. Looking around, I look out to the corridor leading to the door of the house. "Where's Rafael?" I ask sternly. Mikhail stops, spoon halfway to his mouth, "Oh. Um, he left earlier," he answers, looking at me sheepishly. Looking back I sigh, he's always to quick to bend the rules for him, always going against my orders when it comes to the younger ones.
"And why did you let him leave?" I ask, watching as he gets up, pushing the chair back. Picking up the bowl and placing it in the sink, turning around, leaning against it. "Lucian, I know he crossed a line the other night, you gotta let it slide. He's young and naive, and flies off the hanger sometimes," He stops, studying me to see if I was actually listening "He needs a break, if you keep pushing him like that, eventually he's going to lock in, and we don't need that right now,"
"Fine, whatever, and I'm not pushing him- he's been gone a while now you know," Mikhail chuckles, folding his arms over his chest, "It's only been twenty minutes Lucian. If you care that much just say so,"
"Shut up,"
He closes his mouth, but the humour still in his eyes. Shaking his head, he pushes off the sink walking past me. "Hey, you and I both know that you care for him, you should at least try to show it sometime," he says, patting my shoulder in a kind gesture. "You guys could do some bonding, I mean you know, find some stuff you could do," I look at him reluctantly, shaking my head, "Perhaps another time,"
"Alright then, I'm going to gather the scouts and do the patrol, The Night Shadow pack seems to be looking for something," He says, his voice serious now, I pinch the bridge of my nose, running my hand lazily though my black hair. Again with this, they don't rest do they? "Alright, but keep an eye out. I don't want them past the borders,"


Running, why am I running? What am I running from? I look behind me, my fear only increasing. Run faster!
pushing the branches of trees and hanging vines from my way, I run ad fast as I could. My chest burned with the need for air, my legs are begging me to stop, but I can't. I don't know why, but if I do they'll get me. I could feel everything, from the rush of adrenaline to the pounding of my heart in my ears. I don't even know where I'm going, though it's day, it's hard to see anything in this forest. The trees were thick and tall, I felt completely trapped, like a mice in a maze. Tripping on a root, I fall face first to the ground, managing to twist my ankle in the process, the pain running through me like a knife, too much to just be a twisted ankle. I wince, trying to get up, turning my head quickly, my red hair temporarily blinding me. Looking down at my ankle, that was most definitely broken. "Shit," I say, biting down on my tongue to stop the scream that was tearing it's was out of my throat.
Tears brim my eyes, looking around me, a twig snapped. My heartbeat quickens, my grey eyes frantically searing for the source of the noise. My eyes widen as a black wolf steps out, Looking down at me, my breathing got heavy, trying to scurry backwards, my broken ankle making it difficult to do so. The giant wolf took slow calm steps towards me, as if trying not to scare me further. My back hits the trunk of a tree, my breath getting stuck in my throat, it lowers it's head down to me, I turn my face away. But it didn't bite like I expected, instead nozzle it's nose on my check, whimpering a bit like a puppy. Letting my eyes look into it's own, blue eyes met my own, familiar blue eyes.

My eyes flew open, meeting a pale white ceiling. Sweat stuck my tee-shirt and my hair to me, my breath coming in short hard bursts. I put my hand to my chest, my heart was pounding, that felt too real to be a dream. I fell asleep on the couch, why didn't anyone wake me and send me home?
Realizing the blanket that was over me, I pull it off, sighing when the cool air hit me. Putting my now bare feet on the cold floor I look around for my sneakers. Finding them, I slip them on, I jump when a glass shattered. Getting up, I sigh, thinking about the dream I had, it's not the first time I had that dream. They first started last year, but infrequently, then they stopped. And as I came back to England, they started back up again, this is the second night.
"Oh shoot-Simon. Don't touch that," Julie's stern voice came from the kitchen, I walk to it, walking into the kitchen, the first thing that hit me was the scent if eggs and coffee. Julie's hair was pulled back from her face, her hair dusted with flour. Simon was sitting at the table, head in a book, his small hand wrapped around a glass if orange juice. Mr. Roberts was no where in sight, "Oh, you're awake, good morning," Julie greets, smiling at me, I smile back, "Good morning, urm, sorry I feel asleep on your couch," I say, rubbing my arm.
"No it's fine sweetie," she says, waving me off, turning her back to me, she opens the window over the sink, letting the sun pour in. "Want any breakfast love? I made a lot," she asks, shaking my head, I decline politely, "No thank you, it's fine, I should be getting home," I say.
Julie nods understandingly, "Of course sweetie, go right ahead. Do feel free to come over anytime, i could use
the company," she chuckles, I nod in response, giving her a smile before leaving.

After a much needed shower, I I lie down in bed, wondering what to do for the day. Oh yeah, I should check the library, I'm sure they're done fixing what ever by now. Getting up I pull a tee shirt over my jeans, taking my phone with me as I head downstairs. "Aunt Raven," I call, walking into the living room when she answers. Her eyes glued to the television, some odd soap opera showing. "I'm heading out okay," she nods, not taking her eyes off the show, smiling I grab my jacket from where it laid next to her. "Okay, be safe, see you later,"
I sigh, reaching the library was quicker than I expected. And it was open, reach the steps, I look down seeing that it was wet. "Okay Scar, take your time and you won't fall," I reassure myself, hoping that I don't fall. I step up, getting by the first three steps, but as I put my foot down on the fourth, I'm suddenly falling backwards. I brace myself for the fall, for the impact of my body on the hard ground, but it never came. I found myself in someone's arms, looking up, I met blue eyes, those same blue eyes from the other day.
"You better be careful kitten," he says, making sure I'm right on my feet. Kitten?

"Are you alright?" He asks, brown hair falling into his eyes, I nod, I could feel tingled running through my arm from where he held me.
"Good, be careful now," he says, looking into my eyes, his eyebrows furrow, blue eyes confused.
"Do you want me to walk you in," he asks, eyes darting to the library doors then back to me, the confusion gone. "If you want,"
We walk up the rest of stairs, me trailing a little way behind him

Pushing the library door open, I let her go in first, letting the door close behind me. Walking next to her, I let myself get lost in my thoughts.
Now I understand why I stopped this girl the other day, she looked familiar to me. I just couldn't remember where I know her from. But after that reoccurring dream from last night, it's hard not to recognized her. Thinking on it, it's all confusing, I have no idea what was happening. It felt real, everything did, the need I felt to keep this girl safe, to die for her. I understand it now.
She's my Mate

Hey! Okay so now that I've got a phone back, updates are gonna be a little faster:)
Thanks for reading! Stay sweet
~Dani ❤

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