
353 33 6

Edited 24/12/2016


"Any changes?" I ask, watching Geovani as he walks over to me. Stepping up on the porch where I stood he shakes his head, "No, nothing. They haven't crossed over since the girl." The red head answers, I nod dismissing him. Though keeping track of movements and scout groups is Mikhail's task, I prefer him where he is now; in bed and resting. Thought I can't keep him from wandering the house, but as long a he keeps Tori from going anywhere I'm fine with that.
Walking down the few steps the porch has, I make my way over to a tree. Leaning against it, I pull a cigarette from the pack in my pocket, then begin fishing around for my lighter. Finding it not in my pocket where it's supposed to be, I start looking around my area.
"You looking for this?" I look up and smirk at the girl in front of me, taking the lighter from her open hand. "And you managed to have this in your possession how?" I ask, slight agitated, she frowns slightly at me, "You dropped it." Elizabeth points over her shoulder to the porch where I was standing previously. "No need to get hostile.." she smiles, and I'm starting to wonder if I actually dropped it in the first place. I give a half hearted chuckle, putting the cigarette between my lips I lift the lighter to it. Elizabeth makes a face and opens her mouth to say something, "Don't start woman." I deadpan, lighting the cigarette, "Did you need something?" I ask, thinking that she must've come over here for a reason. She shakes her head though, making some of her hair come lose from her braid. Pulling the thin grey jacket closer to herself, she shifts nervously on her feet "Just to return your lighter." The girl let's out a huff of air, climbing up into the tree I was leaning against. I watch her carefully as she does so, standing on the branch above my head. I move away from the tree, looking up at her, "You are going to fall from there Lizzie." she looks at me, her brown eyes wide, noticing my use of her nickname. She stares for a moment before shaking her head at me. Taking another step on the branch, being sure to keep her hand around the other branch. "No I'm not--" she begins, ready to take another step, not bothering to watch where she placed her foot. And as if in slow motion, Elizabeth falls backwards, losing her balance on the branch. I lunch forward, catching her just before she made contact with the ground. "I told you." I state, feeling my heartbeat speed up at the girl's contact, trying my best to ignore it. "I-im fine thank you. I would've landed safely on my feet." She says, almost dropping from my arms as I place her down. She nervously dust off her shorts, which made me chuckle as there was nothing for her to be dusting off. But I knew the same thought was going through her head.
She looks away from me, trying her best to look at anything else, I reach up, brushing leaves that had somehow gotten stuck in her hair. "Thanks..." she mutters, pulling her long braid over she shoulder before she turned away and walked.
"Well shit."


"Hey! Princess Merida! hurry up we're late." Kate hollers from her car window, hurrying me over. Sighing, I walk quickly over, getting into the passenger side, buckling up. "Why'd you call me that?" I question, looking at her as she pulls off. The blonde girl shrugs, smiling at me, "Well you curled your hair.. and it is red you know." I roll my eyes at her, looking ahead of me. I stare blankly at the houses and people passing by outside when we stopped at a red light. Feeling Kate's eyes burning into the side of my head I look at her, "What?" She furrows her pale eyebrows at me, "You okay? You look completely out of it." I shake my head at her, putting on my best convincing smile and hoping that she wouldn't see through it. "No, I'm alright. Just thinking."
"About what? Is it about the Rafael thing? You said he's been avoiding you for days now." she says, not taking her grey eyes from the road. "Maybe he'll come by today, you guys can talk. And I mean it." I sigh, nodding at her, "Okay, I'll try. But I'm making no promises,"

"Ahem." I look up at Kate, she whom was watching me with a raised eyebrow. Pointing her thumb over her shoulder to Rafael where he was sitting in his usual seat by the window. I had notice when he came in a few minutes before, and right now, Kate refuses to tend to him so I could go do it. "You said you'll try Scarlet. And this isn't trying." she gestures to the book I was holding, "At least we bothered to make eye contact." I state, and Kate glares, "It's your break, the boss won't mind. Now go." She pulls the book from my head, going to stand next to Nessa who gives me a thumbs up. I roll my eyes at the two, walking out, and over to him. Being sure to keep my space, "Hey." I say cautiously, ringing my hands in front of me. He doesn't look up at first, "Hey." he answers softly, blue eyes finally looking up. I smile gently, opting not to sit down, I don't plan on prolonging this conversation, this is me trying. "Are you alright? I haven't seen you in a while, and you haven't been answering my calls." I fold my arms, watching him narrow his eyes, the wheels in his head turning. "Can... can we talk about this later? I'll pass by your place okay?" he says after a pause, "Alright, I'll see you."
When I got back to Kate who looked at me expectedly I shrug at her, "I tried."

"Is Nigel going with you?" I ask over the phone, talking to Kate who had to leave to make a Doctor's check. "Yeah, he's with me now, but he's out cold." she chuckles, "I gotta go, you'll tell me how things go with tall dark and handsome?"
"Don't let Nigel hear you. And yeah, I'll call you."
We say our goodbyes and we hang up, I put the phone into my jacket pocket, watching the sun sink behind the trees. Luckily, we had to close off earlier than usual, so I get the rest of my night free, and tomorrow I'm off so happy day. I sigh, thinking about talking to Rafael made me drag my feet. I don't know how to feel right now, I want to do this, I want to talk, but with no idea how to go about this whole....thing, my head hurts just thinking about it. And I think I know why he's been avoiding me, he probably thinks that I don't want to see him because of what happened last Friday. But as much as I don't want to believe it, I've got no choice, and I'm willing to talk through this... I think.
I shift the bag of take out in my hand, trying to get my keys from my pocket. "Darn." I groan, having to shift the back into my other hand to check the other set of pockets. Not finding it, I sigh, going to place my stuff down to check my back pack,  "I don't think you just just place that there." I jump slightly at the voice, laughing a bit at myself when Rafael takes the bag of food from my hand. "And I don't think you should be sneaking up on people like that, you'd give someone a heart attack one day." I say, pulling the bag from my back to dig around for my key, finding it under my work clothes. "You're never going to ditch that beanie huh?" I look up at him, zipping my bag up, smiling at the dark haired male. "Never, what about you? Never going to ditch that jacket?"
"I love this jacket thank you very much."
I laugh, allowing him to follow me up to the porch, unlocking the door he comes inside after me. I take the food from him and go straight to the kitchen, placing it on the counter. "Look, about what happened last Friday--"
"It's okay... weird but okay." I say cutting him off, raising my hand to run it through my hair. He stood by the entrance, his dark eyebrows furrowed, clearly confused about my reaction. 
"Really. Your not kidding me right?"
He smiles slightly, still looking unsure of himself. Walking into the room, stopping inches away from me, closing the space between us, placing his hand against my neck. "Really now? so, I don't scare you at all?" he smirks, I still shake my head, causing red locks to fall into her eyes, Rafael chuckles, tucking it behind my ear. "Would it be alright if I kiss you then?"
"Well we've been on two dates," I shrug, leaning in first, pressing my lips against his.
He lifts my by thighs, sitting me down on the counter, his lips trailing along my jaw, then down my neck. So engrossed in what was going on, I didn't hear the front door open. "Scarlet you home?" Aunt Raven's voice calls from the entrance corridor, surprised I push Rafael back and hop off the counter, just as the dark haired woman comes in, stopping short to watch us with a raised eyebrow. "Oh... Rafael, I didn't know you we're coming over," she looks between the both of us, "Scarlet are you okay? You look a bit flushed."
"No I'm fine, Rafael was just leaving.." I say nervously without thinking, she could've called and say she'd be home early. I don't think she'd be okay if I was making out with my boyfriend on the counter top.
Is he even?
"Are you sure?" My aunt asks, her eyes focused on Rafael, who stood calmly next to me. "Because I was about to start dinner."
"No, it's alright really. I have to go anyway, I was supposed to be back home an hour ago." he explains, after he says his goodbyes to aunt Raven, I walk him to the door. "Well, that was a close call." I say, smiling as he smirks at me, standing on the porch, "I suppose. I'll text you yeah?" with that he presses a quick kiss to my lips before leaving. I walk into the kitchen, to see aunt Raven with her arms folded, a wide smile on her face. "What?"
"So... are you going to tell me what that was about?"
I sigh, "Okay okay, but I gotta call Kate first."


Heyo! I'm late I know, but I got it up! Thankfully. So, next chapter will be edited and up as soon as it's done, in truth, I haven't started editing it yet, but I'll get to it. It's like 3:31 where I am, so happy Christmas Eve!
I hope you guys have a great Christmas!
Stay sweet! ❤

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