
505 40 6

Edited 20/09/2016


Getting off the bike, after a short ride of harsh wind and holding on too tightly, we had finally stopped. Pulling the black helmet off, I give it back to Rafael who stood with an outstretched hand. "Sorry if I was going to fast -- you alright?" he asks, noticing that my face had paled. I nod quickly, trying my best to ignore the spinning of my head and my upset stomach. "First time huh?" he chuckles, offering his hand, I take it, following behind him slightly.
"I hope it's okay, I wanted to keep things comfortable," Rafael comments, motioning to my workplace, his dark eyebrows knitted together. "No, it's fine really," I answer with a smile as he open the door for me. We walk in, taking the table where he'd normally sit, I take off my jacket, placing it on the chair back. We began talking as we got our menu's, "It's weird,"
"What is?" Rafael's blue eyes looks up at me from his menu, I chuckle, "Being here, not actually working, having someone else take my order - it's weird,"
He chuckles, shaking his head, his eyes shifting back to the menu. Just as someone comes to the table, "Oh, I see you're enjoying your weekend Scarlet," a sweet voice says, one I've learnt to detest. She's been giving me nothing but dirty looks since I've been working here, and has lead me believe that she's got it out for me. Stephanie Noel stood at my table, her pink glossed lips in a sweet smile. Her eyes focused intently on Rafael, I look at him in time to see him close his eyes, annoyance etched into his features. "Uh... yeah," I say, confused to why she was working tables, Kate said that she only does that when she needs something from her father, which isn't very often. They had an agreement that she works to get the money she need, it usually happens on My days off, which I'm thankful for, I don't have to see her.
"Just two coffees please, mine with no milk," Rafael says, not looking at the girl, as she scribbles on a page in her small notebook. Sneaking me a look of distaste, smiling quickly at Rafael as he turns to her. "That's all, you can go," he says sassily, watching as Stephanie scurried away from our table. "That's the fastest I've seen her walk without swinging her hips," I say, trying to stifle a laugh. Rafael who chuckles, looks at me, then proceeds to rub his face with his hands. "She's the worst, every time I come here she flirts, she's like a fly,"
"Don't worry, you're not the only one who thinks she's a pest,"
After the coffee came, (which was brought by the other worker, Anna) I had joked about Stephanie staying as far away from our table as possible after seeing that Rafael didn't give a rat's ass about her. "We should do this more often," he says after a short while, eating the eggs that we had ordered a moment ago. I nod, "Sure it might be fun," Now that I've gotten to know him a little bit more, he's not half bad, he's actually quite funny and sweet. Not the impression if him that came to my mind when we first met no less than a month ago.
And we just talked about our likes and dislikes, stuff that makes us angry. (Stephanie being the main topic in that category) After a very fulling breakfast, and a senseless conversation that has more meaning than you think. We decided to walk around for a bit. Rafael showed me around, considering that I didn't know this area much, even if I came a lot as a child, my memory could only go that far. We ended up stopping at an ice cream parlour, both getting our favorite flavours, then chatting about the ones that tasted wrong to us. At the end, we walked back to the cafe, where he actually convinced me to get back on the bike. When he said that I was afraid of the speed he goes at, "No, it's not that. It's just the feeling that I'm gonna fall off, and then tumble into the middle of the road. And get crushed by a truck or something," I say, making weird gestures with my hands, Rafael watching me with amused blue eyes, shakes his head, brown hair falling into his eyes "You just have to hold on tight, besides, I won't let you fall, you have nothing to worry about,"
Without saying much, today went better than expected. I had fun, and telling Kate my story was even better. So here I am, on my bed, listening to her yell at her sister. "No Sophie, you have your own clothes. Use those," she scolds Sophie, who apparently was trying to steal her clothes. "You know I look better in them anyway,"
"One of these good days, I'm gonna kill you and dump you somewhere one would find you," Kate threatens, hearing a small squeak in the background, I laugh. "Sorry Scarlet, how was it then. Had fun?" she asks me, I smile to myself, "Loads, you should've been working today, Rafael got rid of Stephanie,"
"Don't worry, I'll be there for the next one," I can hear the smirk in her voice, rolling my eyes I check the clock. "Alright, so I'll see you Monday?"
"Of course, Goodnight,"

Okay does anyone else think that this is way better than what I had before? I swear, I read my old stuff over and be like "The hell? Who wrote this pile of crap?" xD
So, I'm trying my best here, at least it's better and that's what's important. So I hope you guys enjoyed, I know it took me forever to get done, I'm sorry, a lot of stuff happened since Hell reopened.
There's a lot of pressure, but I got it done none the less. So smiles everywhere.
As always guys, thanks for reading and stay sweet.
Dani ~❤

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