
363 35 3

Edited 29/11/2016


I take a deep breath, one after the other, standing outside on the porch, closing my eyes tight, hoping to calm myself down. I know Rafael is right, at times like this is where I act foolishly. I sit down, trying to ignore the pounding in my head. "May I join you?"
"Its a free country," I answer, allowing Elizabeth to sit. She sighs, rubbing her hands together. "Are you alright?" she asks, her brown eyes trained on the floor. Opting not to look at her, thinking out my words so that I won't snap. "Yes. As alright as one could be."
"Doc said that Mikhail is going to be alright, he just needs time to heal," We sit in an awkward silence for what seemed like forever, until I spoke again. "How's the child?"
Elizabeth finally looks at me, her eyes holding a flicker of anger. Narrowing her eyes at me she answers; "Her name is Renee. And she's fine, I decided to raise her as my own." I nod, a little surprised about her take on this responsibility. After saying our quick goodbyes, I take my leave, maybe seeing Mikhail is the best thing I could do at the moment.
Walking downstairs to the basement, I push open the door to the infirmary, immediately seeing Mason. "Ah Lucian, I knew you'd have to come down sooner or later." he says, getting up from where he sat, placing the clipboard he was examining down. The dark haired male smiles at me, fixing the rectangular shaped glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Not to worry though, Mikhail is fine, all he needs is rest."
I nod, hearing him but not really listening, my eyes were trained on the girl who sat in a chair, next to my brother's bed. She didn't seem to notice me, or the fact that I was staring, her scent was unfamiliar, and from the view of the back of her head I can't tell who she is. But I know she's not one of mine.
Mason steps in front of me, grey eyes calm, "Now, before you go blowing a fuse. Just wait." Turning slightly, he calls the girl over to us. She was quite hesitant to move from her safe place, but got up anyway. Standing besides Mason, "This is Tori," I look at the girl, who stood, nervously shifting on her feet. "The girl has a mouth, she can speak for herself," I deadpan.
"I'm from the Night Shadow pack-- Well, I'm more of an outcast, they kicked me out." she explains,
Okay Lucian. Breathe.
"Night shadow?" I question, turning to Mason, and I again, find myself trying to control my temper. So I just keep clenching and unclenching my fists.
"Why did you let her in here. You very well know the precautions."
"I brought her in." Mikhail says, getting up and limping his way across the room. Mason, who had been quiet finally speaks, "You shouldn't be walking about."
"It's fine Doc, just let me deal with this, if I don't, he's gonna act stupid."
Mason leaves, closing the door behind him, allowing us privacy. "Mikhail." I growl out, not taking my eyes off him, he knows what I'm going to say. But before I could say it, the girl talks, "I could explain actua--" My hand was at her throat before she could finish, Mikhail's hand holding tightly to my wrist. His green eyes darkening a few shades, "Let go." he growls, his grip tightening on my wrist, my eyes locked on his, I let her go. "why are you defending her?"
"I will not stand idly by while you do as you like with my mate." I count to ten in my head, clenching my fists again.
"She is no longer from that pack. Unless your brain didn't process that." he says as his eyes return to it's normal shade. He looks Tori over, sending her back to where she was seated when I came in. Mikhail coming back to pull me by the door. "She can't stay here Mikhail."
"Lucian. She has no where to go right now, I'll keep her close, promise." Sighing, I give in, nodding at him, noting more to do than trust his judgement. And if he says she's safe, then fine. "Keep a close watch on her, just because she defected doesn't mean she wouldn't tattle. And keep her within the borders"


I laugh as Kate slips 'elegantly' off the barstool, swaying her way to the mini dance floor the bar held. I preferred to keep my distance, after all the looks I received from the men in here, which I could only describe as disgusting. I sat, drinking a glass of water, getting drunk was not my priority right not, Kate was more than just tipsy but she can still walk straight and rattle off coherent words. So, so far, she's fine. Probably be best if I got her home, don't want her getting into trouble with herself or anyone else. Putting down my glass, I slip off the barstool, walking around in hopes of finding my blonde friend. "Oh geez." I say, finding her slumped against a guy I recognised. He looks up at me, smiling a little, "Nigel, hey." I say, looking at Kate, who was surprisingly still conscious. Her boyfriend, chuckles, holding Kate by her waist, supporting her weight. Nigel, whom I've gotten to know over the while is Kate's boyfriend, he's been around most of the time, mostly at Kate's place, or coming in when she's working. "New rule. No more drinking for her." he comments, I smile apologetically, "Don't worry, I'll take her home, her mom's gonna kill me though," he shrugs, giving me a short goodbye wave, he leaves with Kate.
I walk out a while after, not liking the fact that I was there alone. I sigh, wishing I had brought a jacket along. Taking out my phone from the clutch purse I carried, I was about to text aunt Raven and tell her I'm coming home when I bump into someone. "Hi kitten." the voice purrs, I look up to find blue eyes staring back at me. "Oh, Rafael... hi" putting away my phone I smile, my smile turning into a frown as he looks me over, raising his eyebrows at my dress. "Please don't ask." I say, he chuckles, "Take a walk with me?"
We walk up the street, making a few unknown turns here and there, talking about nothing in particular. "So, you hungry?" he asks,breaking the silence, I had to think about it, on one hand, I wasn't that hungry, but I could go for something to eat. Why the hell am I so confusing?
"Yeah I guess I could spend a little more time past curfew."
"You have a curfew?"
"No." I laugh, pushing him lightly. We walk until we got to a fancy looking restaurant, which made me question my dress code. "I'm not dressed for in there." I say, half ready to turn around and leave, but I guess that'd be rude. This place in it self screams glamour, with it's big windows and fancy chandelier, which I could see from where we stood.
"Oh come on, you look fine. If anyone's undressed it's me." Rafael motions to his simple black jeans and long sleeved grey tee. I roll my eyes at him, walking up to the door he pushes it open. "Ladies first."

Heyo! Guys, okay... I really got nothing to say today... Only that my exams are starting up on Friday, and while studying and stuff I'll find time to post the edited chapters when I can. I'm really trying to move things along so I can wrap this story up and start my next project! So, until next time, you guys stay sweet! ❤

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