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Alex's P.O.V.
I go back to the Air Temple when I come back from our "date" with Owen. For some reason, they are not mad that I was late. How come?Anyway, I am soooo tired. So I go to bed.

Aiden's P.O.V.
My brother went on a date with the Avatar. Congrats Owen. You've done something good for your life. But still, how is it possible the Avatar to like him? At least he is happy. Anyway, I was planning on leaving the town. He is 16 years old. He can take care of himself. Besides, Alex will protect him. (No'one's P.O.V.: It was the first time Aiden mentioned Alex's name)

Alex's P.O.V.
"Alex, do it again."
"Why?I mean, I've been doing the same thing for an hour and a half. Why can't we just move on?"
"Ok, one last time. But if you don't do this perfectly,YOU WILL BE DOING THIS FOR AN OTHER HALF AN HOUR.IS THAT CLEAR?"
"Ok let's do this"
Run to the corner, firepunch, twist his arm and lay him down. Once he gets up, Water is waiting for you. The only element that you can use from now on. I bend the element towards them and make all 5 of them fall down. I take my helmet off and wait for Master Nero's answer.
"Too slow. Again"
"What do you mean by 'too slow' ?I did everything as you told me."
"Apparently not. You didn't twist his arm,you didn't jump as fast as you should. Your enemy could have got up and attack you."
"My enemy?Oh I'm sorry I have no enemies,as I have never left the place"
"Alex d-"
"Don't you dare say 'do as you are told' again.That's it. I am gonna leave this island. You don't get to tell me what to do."

Owen's P.O.V.
As I see Alex training, I find out that there is no use waiting for her. I was going to leave this place as I feel Alex's anger through my ears. She is enetring the Avatar state. "You don't get to tell me what to do. I've had enough of you. All of you. I'm sick of spending  all my life waiting for your orders."
She starts destroying the building. Oh my god. Someone is behind her.
"Alex,behind you!"

Alex's P.O.V.
I can't take this anymore. I enter the Avatar State to show them who is really powerful. I'm not gonna hurt them though. I hear Owen's screams.
"Alex, behind you!"
When did Owen arrive here? Anyway, before I find the time to turn around I feel dizzy. That's when everything turns dark.

Owen's P.O.V.
Alex hears my warning but she has no time to react. She is hitten with a rock. They actually hit her. Attacked her.
"Relax, boy. We are only getting her to the infirmary. She is going to be ok. But sadly, there was no other way to stop her"  . These guys are really the worst.

Alex's P.O.V.
I wake up in a room with white walls and a white bed. Oh I am at the infirmary. I've actually been here a lot of times as I have been hurt so many times during training.
Master Tao enters the room
"Where is Owen?" I ask showing them how much I hate them.
" Your friend is fine. But he's not the one you should worry about. Once you get better, you will pay for your behaviour. What you did was unacceptable."
"I didn't do anything more than expressing my feelings for you"
"I know that you are not very grateful. But trust me, when you get out there, you will thank us for what we have shown you. Your skills will be needed to the world. I am gonna let you rest now."
I hear the room being locked. They don't want me to try to leave this place for a 3rd time.
I finally fall asleep.
I hear somwonw unlocking the door. But the sound is puick and the moves are wrong. I can feel that the person who is trying to do this,doesn't know how.
I get out of bed ready to attack.
"Ow, Alex,don't kill me. I'm trynna get you out of here."
I hug him. I hug him for too long actually. He is the best.
"You're the best,you know that?So shall we leave?"
"As you wish Avatar."
"Oh don't call me like that. I'm not a celebrity or anuything."
"Ok then, Alex"
" So any ideas of where we' re going?"
"To my place. Aiden left this morning. So we are going to be all alone, in case the White Lotus tries to find you."
"Let's hurry then. Wait, let me get my stuff first."
I run to my room, find my suitcase and fill it with my clothes,books and a picture of me and my parents.
"Ok ready"
"Let's leave this prison"

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