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Alex's P.O.V.
"Again" I punch and punch until the next one surrenders. 3 of them come against me.
I defeat them again but for Master Pokko it's never enough. As I punch and kick and bend fire towards them, I rememder my first training. As a result, the day before I became 'The Avatar'
...(Past: 11 years ago)
I play with my best friend Raven when I hear my mom calling me
"Alex did you finish your homework?"
"Yes mommy."
"That's my girl"
"Can I go play with Raven"
"Of course honey"
"Bye mom"
"Bye Alex. I'll call you when dinner is ready"
2 hours later:
"Alex you have to eat. On that way you will grow tall and strong. Just like your father."
"But mommy I want to go out and play"
"Honey, how could you play if you didn't eat?Let me tell you what.If you finish your food, we will go to the park and take Raven with us."
"I'll get it!!"
I am always so happy welcoming new people at our house.
"Ah you must be dear Alex"
"Yes I am! And who are you?"
"I am Master Tao.We came here for a very important person.So,can we talk to your parents?"
"Mommy! There is someone who wants to talk to you"

"Good evening. How can I help you?"
"You see, I came as a White Lotus member. And I have to inform you that your daughter is the Avatar"
"The Avatar?"
"Why would you think that? She can barely bend fire."
"We have our ways don't worry"
"So i guess you are going to take her away, aren't you?"
"We are trying to do the best for her"
"Please let me call her father"...
"Mommy what happened?"
"You Alex are the Avatar" says Master Tao "And you are going to come with us to train you"
"But I want to stay here."
"What if I told you, you can bend all 4 elements?Isn't that great?"
"I guess so..."
"So,we are leaving...tomorrow"


As i remember those specific words,I get so angry. I enter the Avatar state. All soldiers down.
I run as I have no time to get ready. It's already 4.00. I have to eat and bath and find what I am going to wear.

My Destiny (Avatar Alex)Where stories live. Discover now