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I woke up the next morning and headed over to the bathroom to shower. I got out the showered brushed. my teeth & I was in the midst of getting my jeans on when I heard my phone ringing, It was Adam. " Hey Elly, can you come down to the studio quickly?" He sounded scared. " Yeah um i-I'll be there in a bit." I hung up and started rummaging for a shirt . I went with a baggy white shirt & my converses. I grabbed my phone, keys & my bag then I headed to the studio.

I arrived at the studio to find the boys, who all looked devastated. " what's wrong with you lot ?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows . " I-it's George." Matty said. My face got really red & I took a seat. " Well tell me." I was trying to rush them cause one I had work & I didn't want them to see the tears in my eyes.

" Well last night, we were at the bar, George met up with his clue what her name is, mind you love we're not supposed to say anything but......he cheated...again. " I fucking lost it, I left the room slamming the door & just as I was about to exit the door I bumped into George, I didn't think twice before my fist met his nose . " Fuck Elly! what the fuck was that for!?" He screamed,holding his nose. " YOU FUCKING LYING BASTARD!" I screamed before walking past him & slamming the door, I felt the tears hot tears coming down my face but I didn't care anymore. I hated him & I hated how much he lied to me.

falling all over the place ( george daniel fanfic )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang