two .

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School was quite fun today . I was in English with Adam & George . " Today, class we're going to work in groups of 2 & the 2 of yous will be working on a worksheet together " Mr. Bates said . I felt something hit the back of my head & turned to see a laughing George & Adam. " Hey Elly wanna work together love " ? George asked " Sure " . While we're working I noticed George staring at my wrist so I pulled my sleeves down . " Why do you do it " ? he asked , " Do what " ? " Don't act stupid Elly ". " Well its not an easy thing to explain but I do it because it brings me peace & calmness, I know its a stupid thing to do because it may seem like I want attention but honestly that's the last thing I want, I think what I truly want is to be happy George ". Before he could say anything the bell rang & I sped out the class like flash .


The loudest & most reckless place in this college was the lunchroom but I was quite used to it . I always sat with Matty & the boys but today I decided to sit by myself . " You wanna go out today " ? I looked up & see a smiling George, " hmmmm yeah " . " Great I'll pick you up at 7 ", I nodded .

later at the house

" Elly " ! I heard Matty scream my name from his room next door . " YEAH " ? " Can you come here " ?! " Yeah " I shouted back . " You're going out with George "? Matty asked with giggle , " yeah why " ? " nothing just .. have fun " . " thanks " I said smiling .

I sat in my room and contemplated on what to wear for 20 minutes, after a while I decided to go with a black & grey striped t-shirt dress with knee high socks & my black low top dr. martens, I added a little makeup nothing too drastic & put my wavy black hair in a high messy ponytail . After waiting for about another 30 minutes George walked in & asked " you ready "? " yeah lets go " . I answered, I said bye to my mum before leaving & headed out .

You guys decided to go to a small pub named " The Rolling Stone ". You & George found a booth & talked until the waiter came . " So does anyone else know about your self harming " ? he asked . " No & I plan on telling no one either so keep your mouth shut please ". " of course love " he smiled that gorgeous smile & I melted a little inside . This blonde girl approached us & asked for our orders , " I'm just gonna have a burger " I told her, " I'll have the same " George said .

After being there a while, I & George got up to leave . The ride was silent but not an awkward silence it was more of a comfortable silence . 10 minutes later he stopped in front of your house, " I had a nice tonight " I said , " I did too " he smiled staring at me, after a short staring contest he leaned in & kissed me, slow & passionate .

falling all over the place ( george daniel fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now