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I woke up the next morning & was on the living room floor with pounding headache. I went to the bathroom & when I was brushing my teeth I realized my mum was coming home in an hour & we still had to clean the holy mess in our house, wash clothes, & buy groceries . We were fucked . " Matty wake the hell up NOW " I yelled from the bathroom hoping he heard me . " MATTHEW " ! i walked in his room & he was out like a sloth . " MATTY " ! i yelled one last time before slapping him straight across the face causing an echo. " What the fuck was that for El "?! " Listen you twat mum's coming home in less than an hour & we have got to clean in here ... NOW" ! " Alright alright " he said lazily . I woke up Louis & the boys who were all in a deep slumber . " GET THE FUCK UPPPPPP "! i yelled throughout the house . I began cleaning up all the beer bottles the cigarettes, sweeping, mopping everything. I told Louis & Ross to go get the grocery's, I asked Adam to clean the rest of the bottles, George was putting random clothes in the washing machine & Matty was being a lazy asshole doing nothing . " God damn it Matthew we are gonna be fucked if you don't get off your lazy arse & help " I said walking upstairs . " yeah yeah , I'm going " . I couldn't see him but I'm pretty sure he rolled his eyes . I got the upstairs cleaned, Louis & Ross got back quicker than expected, Adam was finished, George was done stuffing what he could in the machine & Matty was taking out the bins . Great we did it all in a matter of 30 to 45 minutes . Mum got home about 15 minutes later . " Hello my loves" she said giving me, Matty, & Louis a kiss . " Hey mum " I said smiling awkwardly . " The house looks & smells lovely " she said with an awfully huge smile on her face . Later that evening I showered & got dressed . Today I wore black jeans with big holes in them, a rolling stone shirt, my sk8 hi's , a little bit of mascara & my hair down . I walked downstairs & everyone left but Louis & mum . " hey mum where's the boys "? I asked . " I think they were going to the bowling alley love " she said with her back turned to . "okay I'll be back later .. love you " I said slamming the door . I put my headphones on & " come a little closer " by cage the elephant started playing . I walked to the town & got to the alley in 30 minutes . I saw the bright lights of the bowling sign & a couple of people outside smoking & drinking . I went in & found the boys laughing their asses off at Ross as he was laying on his ass in the middle of the lane . " Hello losers " I walked over laughing . " George ran over to me, picked me up & swung me with his muscular arms. It felt like heaven . We bowled for another 2 hours until we all got bored & headed for " The Rolling Stone " . We got there, sat at a booth & ordered some drinks . " So Elly ... George how are yous " ? Matty asked raising his eyebrows . " We're fine mate " George said with a cheeky smile . We were there for a little while . " I'm gonna go out for a cigarette, I'll be back " . I said getting up & walking out . It was freezing outside & I had a t- shirt on & my jeans had several rips in them, so I was cold as ever . While I was smoking I saw about 5 guys walking towards me until I realized .... it was my ex boyfriend & his 4 faggot friends . " Elizabeth ", he said putting his hand up against the wall next to me . " What the fuck do you want Alex " ? I questioned rolling my eyes . " You " . He started wrapping his hands around my waist . " GET OFF OF ME " ! I yelled . Him & his friends starting dragging me toward the alley next to the bar . " GET OFF " ! I tried kicking him but my legs didn't reach as high as I thought . " GEORGE " ! I tried screaming out with tears streaming down my face . " ALEX GET OFF OF ME " ! He pushed up against the wall & held a sharp knife up to my face . " I finally got you where I want you " he said with a smirk . " MATTY " ! I managed to scream out one more time before Alex smacked me . " SHUT THE FUCK UP " he demanded . I don't know what happened in the next few seconds because my eyes were closed but as soon as I opened them I found George punching Alex & Matty asking me if I'm okay . George managed to get off of Alex & him & his friends ran . "Elly love are you okay " ? I heard Matty but I couldn't answer him, everything was a blur . They called a cab & we headed home . When we got there mum was asleep & so was Louis . " Adam get me some ice " I heard George's thick accent . I felt the coldness on my face & looked at George . " Thank you " I managed to get out . " Shh Elly you need to rest " he said sympathetically. We went upstairs & I changed out of my clothes into one of George's shirts & we stared at the ceiling in silence before drifting off to sleep .

falling all over the place ( george daniel fanfic )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu