seventeen .

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We spent the next day at the hospital with Louis until it was time for mine & Georges date. For our date I decided to wear a black long sleeve mesh top, high waist jeans & black heel boots. I put on some mascara & left my hair in messy waves. I waited for George to come. I waited for about another 20 minutes until I heard a knock. " wow babe y-you look gorgeous." George stuttered a bit. " You don't look so bad yourself G." He wore a whit t-shirt with jeans rolled up at the ankle & boots as well. " ready love ?" " yeah lets go." I said grabbing my jacket.

We made it to the restaurant after driving for what seemed like hours. We were greeted by a blond waitress. " hi, table for two ?" she asked, staring George dead in the eye. " yes please." I said with an attitude. " okay follow me." she said, eyes still on George. We got sat down & ordered our drinks. " yeah, let me get a glass of red wine." George asked sweetly. " I'll have a water please." I asked sternly. " alright, I'll be back in a minute." I waited until she was gone to complain. " god was she burning holes in you with her eyes or what ?" I scoffed . " baby, calm down." he said chuckling a bit. " alright ... alright." She cam back about 5 minutes later. " here you go & I'll be back in a couple minutes to get your orders." she said flashing George a toothy smile. Oh my fucking god, can she not, I thought myself. We ordered our food & talked about the boys recordings. " so how're things going over at the studio babe ?" I asked stabbing my food with my fork. " its going great actually, we've recorded almost 5 songs already & they all sound great." he said really happy. I was so proud of them, finally doing what they've wanted to for so long . " I'm proud of you guys." I said giving him a big smile. " thanks babe, we're gonna start planning gigs & whatnot." he said. " that's amazing babe." I said before leaning over the table to give him a passionate kiss. We spent the rest of the night laughing at each others horrible jokes & memories of the boys & me.

We left the restaurant & headed to Georges flat. " babe my birthdays in a few days." I said happily. " yeah I know, what're you doing love?" he said, placing his hand on my thigh. " I kinda wanna throw a party but I have like zero friends." I said giggling. " then me, you & the boys can go out to a club or something." he said sweetly. " I'd like that babe." I said pecking his cheek. We made it to his flat after another 20 minutes of driving. " I'll be back." he said before running off upstairs. I started to look around at his cd collections, his posters etc. " so what do you wanna do ?" I jumped a little at the sound of Georges deep accent. " um lets watch some movies ?." I shrugged. " alright." he said, pulling me towards the couch. " so love, what do you wanna watch?" he asked while looking through his movie collection. " do you have any horror films?" I asked taking my shoes off. " yeah um anything specific ?" " no just whatever 's there." I said giving him a little smile. We spent the rest of the night watching all the Halloween movies & stuffing our faces with all types of food.

a/n - this chapter's shorter but I wanted to post & it's also shitttt so srry not srry  :):):):):)

lots of luvvvv, xelly 💙 :):):):).

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