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It's been a couple weeks since I've told Matty about me & Alex, it also happened to be my 19th birthday today.

" Elly love, I understand it's your birthday but I've got called into another meeting for work. I'm sorry love I'll make it up to you yeah ?" Mum said running around the house, afraid she was late for her meetings. " mum it's fine. now go before you're later than you are." I rushed her out the door & slammed it when she drove away. FINALLY. Tonight was gonna be a night full of drinking,smoking, loud music & a fucking mess for sure. I ran upstairs & I still had to choose an outfit for tonight. Nothing too glamorous or elegant. Didn't wanna ruin anything nice I had. I was looking through my clothes when my phone rang loudly. George. " hey babe !" he said quite enthusiastically. " hey." " so who's doing what for tonight ? " he questioned. " well I've got the liquor & the wine. Matty & you've got the weed. Ross & Adam are getting food & crisps & whatnot ." I said,still rummaging through my clothes. " alright, um I'll call you back later cause we've got stuff to do. I love you ." he said, making me blush. " yeah, love you too babe." I hung up & found an outfit. I was gonna wear tight high waisted Tommy Hilfiger jeans, a tight black halter top, & my new rose designed vans. I figured I'd straighten my hair because I was too lazy to do anything else. 

later that evening .

The house was loud & the music was booming throughout the house. I was sat on Georges lap in the living room surrounded by a ton of drink people. They finally rolled a spliff, which was what I needed.  We got more into the music later on & we played beer pong & alot of other interesting games. " Babe lets go upstairs." I felt Georges hot breath on my neck. I grabbed his hand without saying anything & we went upstairs. Obviously he was waiting all night to get me up here because as soon as we step foot in the room his lips were on mine. Sucking, biting & seductive tongue kisses. As the kissing got more heated, the less clothes we had on. As of right now I only had on my panties & George had his jeans on. Before I knew it, Georges tongue was inside me, causing me to arch my back & grip the sheets . " g-George ." I could barely form a sentence. He took his tongue out & started kissing & sucking my inner thigh before trailing kisses up to my lips, letting taste myself, he slipped his tongue into my mouth & bit my bottom lip. I heard the music clearly, it was good because nobody heard the loud moans coming from my mouth. George pushed himself into me, causing me to scream & become a moaning mess. " g-George fuck i-I'm gonna come ." I stuttered . " Fuck El." George said under his breath. " Elly I'm g-gonna c-come." neither of us able to form sentences. His grip on my waist got tighter which was gonna bruise for sure & he slammed into me, causing my headboard to slam into the wall. " Fucking hell ." He said before we both hit our high. " god that was great." he said, barely able to breathe. I reached over onto my nightstand & grabbed the cigarette packet. I pulled one out & lit it. " Happy birthday baby ." I smiled. " thank you." I said before kissing his sweet pink lips. The rest of the night was insane. There were people laying everywhere. There were 3 people in Mattys room, Matty was on the island in the kitchen, Ross was on the ledge of the couch, Adam was passed out in front of the bathroom, there were almost 7 people in my mums room just spread out everywhere, Louis room had a couple in there & the dining room was filled with stoners & drunks.

next morning

I woke up to Matty & Ross' loud yelling & clapping throughout the house. " EVERYBODY WAKE THE FUCK UP & GETTT OUT !" I heard Mattys loud British accent nearby. I got out of bed slowly, my body ached & was bruised from last night. I put on shorts & Georges t-shirt & headed towards the bathroom. I walked out & found people stumbling the steps lazily & groggily. " hello love." I turned & seen Matty sitting on the steps. " We've got to clean this fucking house ." he said chuckling. " yeah let me just shower & get dressed." " looks like you & George had quite a night. huh ?" He said pointing at the love bites on my neck. Fuck . I didn't say anything I just laugh & walk into the bathroom. I insisted on wearing a long sleeved black shirt & another pair of Tommy Hilfiger jeans with some socks & my hair in a messy ponytail. I headed downstairs & found Matty & Adam cleaning the living room & Ross was cleaning up the kitchen. " hey Ross." I said, smiling. " oh hey Elly." he smiled his gorgeous smile. " have you seen George?" " no he left early.. didn't say where he was going." " oh." was all I managed to get out. Where the hell did he go ? I kept questioning to myself. " hey El." Adam greeted. " hey Hann." I smiled a bit. " Have you seen George at all ?" I asked, hoping he might've seen him. " no. sorry Elly." " it's fine." I texted him multiple already & called him too but he didn't anything. Maybe his phone died or.maybe he turned it off. It was already 5 in the afternoon. The house was clean & the boys went to the studio to see if there George was there. I was texting & calling all day & he wasn't answering, he didn't come to his house & the boys checked his apartment but he wasn't there. Fucking hell.

Where was he ?

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