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I woke up the next day & looked over at George, light snores coming from his mouth. I got up & headed to the window & sat on the chair in front of it, I lit a cigarette & stared outside at the quiet town. I was taking long drags of my cigarette & staring into space when I felt two large muscular arms wrap around me. " good morning gorgeous." George said kissing my cheek. " good morning love." I said before throwing the last of my cigarette out the window. " I've gotta go to the hospital today to see Louis. Do you wanna come ?" " Me & the boys have to go to the studio again.. they're trying to prepare us for our gig in a few weeks." he said calmly. " that's great babe." I said, kissing his soft lips. "I'm gonna go shower I'll be back." he said before running towards the bathroom. I began getting dressed, I couldn't wait to get home & shower peacefully. I sat on couch waiting for George to get dressed so we could go to my house. We got to my house after a good 25 minutes. " I'm gonna go shower then we can head to the hospital." I told him before rushing upstairs. I took a quick shower & ran to my room to pick an outfit out. I put some mascara on & my hair in a messy ponytail. My outfit consisted of a black shirt that had hands on it tucked into some black ripped jeans & my low top dr. martens. I grabbed my bag, phone, & charger then went downstairs. " alright we can go." I said before walking out ahead of him. We drove until we got stopped by a red light. " so you haven't told me the names of the songs you guys are recording." Rolling my window down for the nice breeze to hit me. " well we've got the name of two that are gonna stick, one's sex." I laughed a little " & the other one is robbers." I could tell how happy he was & I couldn't have been happier. " well I've gotta hear them sometime...soon hopefully." I said before he started driving again. We got to the hospital after what seemed like fucking forever thanks to all the red lights we got stopped by. I spotted my mum,Matty & Louis. " Hey guys." I said before giving each one a peck on the cheek. " Are you coming home today?" I asked Louis,smiling widely. " yeah I'm really excited. I've missed my video games." I chuckled at his response. " I bet you did little bugger." Matty said,ruffling Louis' hair. " c'mon lets get you home love." mum said before walking out with Louis. " mum I've got go to the studio with the boys so I'll be back later ." Matty said. " alright love. Elly are you coming." " no mum I've gotta go somewhere." I had no fucking clue where I was gonna go but then I decided I'd go to the cinema. " alright don't stay out too late. Also the three of us have to talk when yous get home. alright?" " yeah mum." me & Matty said in unison. " okay see you later." she said walking out with Louis on her arm.

later that day .

I was sat in the back of a half full cafe..until I seen him walk in. Alex. He was with a bunch of his friends again & he had spotted me from the door. " ELLY !" he shouted at me. " FUCKING HELL !" I was screaming in my head. I reached for my phone & was ready to call one of the boys but was interrupted by Alex smacking his hand on the table. " hello love. You ignoring me?" he said,grinning cheekily. "Isn't it obvious fucking twat." I spat back at him. " Elizabeth." he scoffed sarcastically. " what the fuck do you want Alex ?" " I've told you this so many times love. Am I gonna have to repeat myself again?" he asked,gripping my wrist. " get the fuck off of me or I scream." I snarled. He let go & stared at me intimately. My loud ringtone interrupted our "staring" contest. It was Adam. Thank god. " hey Adam". I said smiling a bit. " hey El. Matty said to let you know that he won't be home as early as expected .... or George." Fucking hell. Alex let go of my hand & I bolted to the bathroom. " Adam put m-Matty on the phone. Now!" I whisper shouted. I waited for a few seconds then heard the familiar voice, " hey Elly what's wrong ?" " Alex's at the cafe I'm at & he keeps bothering me & I have no other way out of here so I bolted to the bathroom & now I'm technically trapped in this fucking cafe... come get me please I wanna go home now." I was rambling on & stopped Matty each time before he could answer. " fucking hell Elly calm down, j-just stay in the bathroom I'm coming to get you now alright love ?" " yeah just please hurry." I asked,shakily. I'm gonna admit I'm scared of Alex. I'm fucking terrified of him for what he did & what he still tries to do with & to me. I never told anyone what he did. Not even mum, I didn't trust anyone enough to tell them & I've always wanted to but I could never say anything, my throat just went dry & a lump formed everytime I did try to say it. But I couldn't. After what seemed like forever of being dazed out in my thoughts I heard a knock. " Elly ? it's Matty love, he's gone you can come out." I felt like I was playing hide & seek. I unlocked the door & Matty was leaning on the wall. Tears started filling my eyes, I was so happy to have a brother like Matty. He cared about me & worried about me & always made sure I was okay. " C'mon lets go home." he said softly, putting his arm around my shoulder & walking out the door. The drive home was silent, low music playing in the background. " So El, what happened between you & Alex that made you so afraid of him ?" A lump formed in my throat & I felt like I was gonna puke. " Nothing." I said sternly. " Elly I'm not a fucking idiot. Obviously something happened & we're not going home until you tell me." he said,pulling the car off the road. " Matthew I'm not in the fucking mood so start the fucking car & drive me home you fucking twat." I spazzed. " Nope." he said,smacking his lips together. " Fine. But you dare speak a single word of this to someone ANYONE I will fucking rips your balls off with my bare hands alright ?" I asked,emphasizing the anyone part. He swallowed. " I promise." He said with a cheeky grin. " okay. here goes. Okay so y'know me & Alex dated for almost 3 years right ? Anyway he obviously took my virginity & we had sex whenever we both wanted which was normal in a relationship. Well on my 18th birthday I wasn't in the mood to have sex,which might be a jit weird I don't know or care. Soooo I told him that & he said he didn't care but obviously I did . I kept telling him no & he wouldn't leave me alone & I got tired of it & hit him . He got furious & started hitting me with things & punching me. He forced me to have sex with him that night, strapping my legs & arms so I couldn't move. This went on for the next year which was when I finally stopped the madness & moved back to Manchester with mum who's oblivious to what happened... I had to lie . Then he moved from London to here because he found out that I had moved back & now he wont leave me alone." There was an awkward silence, my tears had fallen & I'd barely notice. " I still have scars from him." I gulped. Matty was just staring at me. He looked numb & angry . " Elly why the hell didn't you tell anyone about this." he said,making me jump a little. " Matty there wasn't a soul I could trust & you guys were always busy & I wasn't gonna say anything to cause more problems." I couldn't." I told him calmly.

We got home & everyone was asleep. I walked to my room slowly & changed out of my clothes. I slept with a good feeling. I was actually happy, only because Matty knew & I felt safer. It felt great to get that heavy weight off my shoulders after for so long. After a while of being lost in my thoughts I fell asleep peacefully & happy . Finally .

falling all over the place ( george daniel fanfic )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن