Giveaway idea!!!

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Hey everyone! So a while back I said I might do a giveaway so I got an idea. How would you all like an Easter little space giveaway!? I'm thinking I could fill a box up with Easter candies, some stuffies, some toys, some plastic eggs filled with candy, and stickers. But I can't do this idea without all your input. If you think this is a good idea please comment. Also if you have any ideas for the box please comment them as well. It's March 24th right now so I'll give you all till the 1st of April to comment if you want it then I might go through with the idea. Also..... AISJEOURHEKEIEJEIHEV YOU GUYSSSSS THIS HAS OVER 6K READS AND IS CLOSE TO 7K!!!!!!!! Thank you all so so so much!!! I've honestly enjoyed this guide book and making it for all of you. And I've loved answering your questions. And all of you reading this and voting and commenting. It really means a lot. I didn't think this would get any reads in the beginning but I'm so glad it is. I made this because I know I needed a guidebook when I first realized I was a little. And I definitely needed one that isn't biased or rude towards any communities. I'm woke as the teens say hahaha says the 18 year old lol. But seriously, I wanted this guide to have a safe way to learn more about what being a little is all about. And I especially wanted every type of little to feel welcomed, because I know what it's like to be outcasted. So this is for all of you out there who feel that they're alone, I'm here for you.

Well now that I'm crying because how much you all mean to me, I'm gonna go back to sleep seeing that it's 5:22 am Est. as I write this lol. Byeeeeee!

- Nellie💕✨🍼

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