"Don't stress yourself, take deep breaths and help me solving these sums, man, I cannot understand a single thing in the morning lecture because of my foul mood," they both got completely immersed in solving their complex sums of engineering when a shrill ringtone disturbed their concentration again! Why wouldn't anyone want to let them study peacefully, why? Arvika and Kavya both sighed irritatingly.

With an unwanted desire to stand, Arvika finally perched up from the bed and faltered towards the table on which her phone was placed which flashed back an unknown number on the screen, who the hell was calling her this late at night with a new number, Arvika contemplated, biting the inside of her cheeks. If it were to be another 'Tapu ke papa' she'd kill him definitely.

"Hello," she tested her voice, was she being too sweet or her normal self, don't know why but she was always paranoid about her voice over calls.

"Hello, Arvika," with a husky yet a smooth voice, Dev greeted his girl, scratching his beard with his thumb while Arvika was all flabbergasted, she felt like someone dropped a bombshell straight on her ear. She could recognize his voice even amongst hundreds of people, that wasn't rocket science to crack, it was Dev-the daredevil on the call, calling her at eight in the night for god knows why!

Just a few minutes ago, she along with her best friend had discussed about this devil and he was already over the call, greeting her gleefully. Sau saal jiyega ye shaitaan, Arvika deduced in distaste. (He'd live for hundred years)

"P...ig?" involuntarily the word left her mouth coinciding with her stuttering voice and a palpitating heart, leaving Dev to jump out of his skin with her startling and unforeseen reply that he had never even expected in his dreams.

Dev was startled would be an understatement, his all drowsiness was flown away in thin air.

"Sorry, what?" Dev was taken aback by the word she had just used against him. A pig, really? Or, was someone else troubling her whom she called using the 'pig' endearment?

"Who's this?" just to reconfirm the already known voice and to hide her unpredictable, sharp tongue, Arvika choked out, signaling Kavya with her hands to come near her as she was still busy in doing some sums of the 'Complex Calculus', the mathematical foundation of the core of their electronics & communication engineering.

"Who's there?" Kavya whispered to Arvika in a hushed tone, eyeing the number skeptically.

"I think its D.E.V," Arvika had muted the call and spelled out the spelling of Dev's name, not wanting to take his name out of her tongue.

Whereas Dev was getting impatient as he couldn't hear any voice coming from the other end, did she cut the call? He was voicing out 'hello and hello' gingerly but no reply was coming from the other end. After hearing the word 'pig' from her mouth he was taken aback, but what perturbed him more was her silence that she was oh-so grandly endeavoring to him.

"Arvika, man," Kavya sighed out in a little annoyance. "Talk with him then, just now I had lectured you about the same, girl! Why are you so worried? Don't forget he's our president too, Arvika maybe he has some other important work to discuss with you. Don't bring the past in this now. Attend the call already"

"Okay, as you say," Arvika nodded at her friend's logical yet scolding thesis, pursing her lips in a little fear and of course, a teaspoon of hesitation. Taking a deep breath and exhaling even a bigger whiff of air, she finally unmuted the call and put the phone on her red, hot ears.

"Hello, sir," she breathed out frantically, fanning herself with her left hand, suddenly feeling hotness and pepperiness all across her body even in the chilled AC. He seriously made her feel feverish all of a sudden, one of the effects of the daredevil that he had on other girls too. But Arvika's feverishness was because of other reasons. Abiding by the seniors and juniors policy, Arvika had intentionally endeared Dev with sir, throwing a little smile towards the anticipating Kavya who was biting her lips in tension.

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