
  Later that night when they arrived at the movie theaters they saw a mile long line at the ticket stand and were so glad they had already bought their tickets online. She looked around and also noticed that her wife was not the only person with a belle t- shirt on. Camila had convinced the boys that they would love the movie because it had a huge monster in it but Lauren knew better, she almost contemplated on ditching the movie and sneaking off to go see 'Logan' or something  else that was more her style type of movie. But then she contemplated on weather she'd enjoy sleeping in the same bed as her wife or on a cold lonely couch. She went with the obvious choice.

"Caspian?!" They herd a little girl yell out. A lost and confused Caspian looked around trying to find out who was calling his name and found a little brunette girl waving around her hands  so he could spot her.

"Mommy can I go say hi to my friend?" Caspian asked Camila, because he knew better than to run off on his own.

"Sure, we'll be waiting for you right here." Camila said letting him know it was okay.

He ran off to where the little girl stood in line and hugged her which definitely caught Lauren and Camila's attention. "Hi Natalie." He said with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Hi Caspian, what movie are you going to watch?" She asked, with rosy blushing cheeks as well.

"The princess movie." He answered, he had forget the name but as he said it he also realized how girly it seemed so he quickly added. "It's my Mom's favorite movie, she forced us to come." That sounded more grown up and manly right? He hoped so and rocked back and forth on his heals as he waited for her to say something.

"It's beauty and the beast and its my favorite movie too." She said smiling at him. "My mommy said it might be a little scary sometimes so I'm kind of nervous to watch it." She added, playing with the tips of her fingers aimlessly.

"Maybe we can sit together, I'm not scared of anything." Caspian offered, his mama always said you protect the girl you like and he might have a little crush on Natalie.

"Okay." She said giving him her best smile. "I'll see you inside." She added, because the line was moving along and the movie would start soon so he had to go.

"Okay." He smiles back at her and then took off running back to his mom's and brothers, who all had very different expressions on their faces. Lauren looked proud, Spencer thought it was funny, Cameron looked grossed out and Camila well she just looked nervous. No way did she just watch her five year old get a date.

"Hive five bud." Lauren said holding out her palm for him to smack to which he did. Which only confused Camila because what she didn't know was that Caspian and Lauren had discussed his crush on Natalie. During a Little league game she noticed he was distracted and when she asked him why he just pointed at the little girl in the pink lawn chair rooting for the other team ( which her brother played in). She gave him advise and didn't see a problem with it, after all he's only 5 nothing will actually come out of it right?

"What was that all about?" Camila asked the young boy.

"She said she might be scared and I won't be so we're going to sit together so I can protect her. Mama said you protect the girl you like." He answered, shrugging it off like the look on Camila's face was not the one of a concerned mother.

"Oh did mama say that?" She looked up and glared at Lauren, who gave her, her best innocent face and shrugged lightly. "So you like this girl?" She asked, hoping this was some joke. Most five year olds are still suppose to think girls have cooties right?

"Yes! She's pretty." He said grinning from ear to ear but then remembers what his mama also told him, so he adds an excited. "And smart!" And Lauren couldn't be anymore proud but the look on Camila's face said she better not ask for another high five.

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