Drake Black - Six

Start from the beginning

Taking a deep breath, she ran her tongue along the corner of her mouth, tasting blood and turned her glaring eyes to the man who's hit her. He growled in return, "you've got fire, I'll give you that. Answer my question, now!"

Karla huffed, deciding that it could get worse, but the thought of telling him anything made her feel as if she was betraying Audrey. She was sure that Audrey was with Roan, she didn't know how she came to that assumption, but with the way this man questioned it only confirmed it. Deciding it didn't matter she grinned, "no."

Vale growled, never in his life had any human denied him. It was intriguing to see this helpless slip of a woman standing up to him. He could smell her fear, see the slight tremble go through her body, but she still glared at him with hatred. "I'm going to enjoy breaking you." The words were low, spoken with a promise and with pure pleasure. "I will make you talk."

Karla tensed, she didn't like the sound of that, but if Audrey was safe that was good enough for her. She was sure she'd be able to handle whatever torture he threw at her, it wouldn't be the first time. Clenching her hands in her lap, she watched as the man began pacing behind the doctor. "Matthew, leave us for now. I'll return her to the cage when I'm finished."

Karla's heart went into over drive, a ridiculous urge to tell Matthew to stay. She closed her eyes, breathed deeply through her nose and let it out slowly through her mouth. She wouldn't break, she wouldn't break, she chanted in her head and tried hard to think of how to get out of this situation. Her eyes snapped open when she heard the click of the door, but she didn't turn towards it. She looked ahead of her, noticing that the doctor had left his folder and on the papers laid a paper clip. Her mind worked then, but she refrained from smiling. First she had to figure out how to get ahold of it without him noticing. Finally, she found him with her eyes, he reminded her of a predator about to pounce on his prey. Unfortunately, his prey was her, she thought dryly.

Instead of concentrating on her fear, she pushed forward with antagonizing him. "You are all nuts you know that. Vampires aren't real, but you have a man locked up because you believe he is." She shook her head in disgust.

"You really are clueless. It appears that whatever your relationship is with Audrey you two weren't close. If you were, I'm sure you would have figured it out."

"Figured what out exactly?" Karla asked with fake bravery.

"Figured out that Roan turned her into a vampire. You may not believe it, but regardless it is true all the same. There are more then just blood suckers though. Like me for example, I'm a werewolf."

Karla's eyes widened and then she couldn't stop herself from laughing. Her laugh bordered on hysterics. Oh gosh, she was surrounded by crazy lunatics! She could hear the man growling at her to stop laughing, but she couldn't. She was going crazy herself, she just couldn't stop laughing. She laughed so hard, tears slipped from her eyes, her stomach began to hurt so she leaned over to help. The sudden snapping she heard slowly brought her out of her hysterical laugh, opening her eyes she instantly stopped and scrambled from the chair.

She nearly fell as she tried to move around it to plant herself against the far wall. The sudden growls filled the small room. She held her breath as the large wolf in front of her moved forward, cornering her. "S-stay.." She closed her eyes. "I'm going crazy! This is crazy! This isn't real!" Karla kept her eyes tightly closed even when she heard the cracking again. She didn't want to see what caused it and she didn't want to see or watch as the wolf lunged for her.

Karla heard deep laughing and opened her eyes, instantly turning her head away again when she realized the man was naked. "I do enjoy that fear. I told you what I was and that is the last time you will see it. Now, about that information I wanted?" Vale took deep breaths, enjoying her fear. His hearing perked at the rapid sound of her heart beat.

"Not a fucking chance!" Karla yelled, then gasped as the man was suddenly in front of her slamming his fist into her stomach. Her breath whooshed out, her body trembling at the impact and instant pain.

"Careful how you speak to me. I have no problems killing you."

Karla gasped for air, managing to clip out words. "Do it." She was aware that he moved away from her, but not far enough for her to move herself.

"No, not yet. As I said, I will make you talk. Today, tomorrow, next week. Time isn't an issue. I'm in no rush. However, your time is running out. I still plan to put you back with Drake and again, whether you believe what he is or not it won't matter. He's refusing to feed and I know by experimenting that once a vampire is without blood for a certain amount of time he or she will go into a blood frenzy." Vale moved forward, playing with Karla's hair. Knowing that his closeness made her afraid. "No matter how many morals he has right now, when that happens nothing will stop him from draining you dry. Nothing, except me and I won't help unless you tell me what I want to know."

Karla didn't have anything to share, but he didn't know that and even if she did she wouldn't tell him. Even if he spoke the truth, she figured it was better than being eaten by a wolf. She closed her eyes as that thought went through her head. Oh god, she really was going crazy. Buying into this crazy werewolf and vampire talk.. "I won't say anything." She opened her eyes to show this monster that she meant what she said.

Vale grinned, "good. I'll enjoy your screams."

Karla had no time to react before she was suddenly grabbed and flung across the metal table. The mans sharp fingernails digging into the cut he'd given her earlier. She tried to clamp her mouth shut, but the scream that bubbled up and the pain she felt was too great. She screamed.

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