Chapter 30

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We stare at Astral in disbelief.

"You can't just do that, Astral," I argue. "This is our fight, too."

"In what way?" Astral retaliates. He crosses his arms defiantly. "This is for the Light Agents to do. We choose a native host of the planet only to help us adapt, track down the evil, and maybe fight them." His tone implies that this isn't open to discussion.

"I've said this before, and I'll say it again. We're going to help you whether you like it or not," Yuma states stubbornly.

"Yuma," Astral sighs. He looks exasperated. "I was not to tell you anything at all. You forced this situation the moment you allowed Black Mist to tell you that classified information. I never wanted this to happen!" Astral glares at Yuma. "Yuma, I never wanted to use foul language, but you were being a fucking dumbass! You allowed yourself to be tricked by the enemy like the stupid idiot you are!" 

Yuma and I are taken aback. I have never heard Astral shout before, much less swear. I can tell this is going to be an intense argument.

"I had to know!" Yuma argues. "True friends are supposed to tell each other everything!"

"Not if they want to keep personal things secret! True friends don't just go snooping into their fucking private information!" Astral then calms down. "Yuma, this discussion is over," he states calmly. Shiro glares at Yuma and mews. "If you wish to be involved in this, do not expect me to save you anymore. It will not be my fault if you die again." With that happy thought, Astral disappears inside the Key with Shiro.

"That was...unexpected," I say just to break the silence.

"Yeah," Yuma agrees. "I wonder why he doesn't want our help anymore."

"Me too." I sigh. " still going to be involved?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"I'm just wondering. Astral did say that things are getting out of hand."

"I know." Yuma sighs. "...Are you staying in this, too?"

"Yeah." I stare off blankly as one of my cats nudges my hand. I scratch behind her ears. "We have to finish what we started even if we're going to forget everything in the end."

"I have a feeling that we won't forget. If we were, why would those people let Astral tell us everything? It doesn't make sense if we're just going to forget in the end."

I think about this. "You're right. Maybe they thought that if we're not going to forget, we might as well not be left with questions."

"That's exactly what I was thinking, and that's probably what they were thinking, too."

"So, something's going to happen?" I ask.

"That's my guess," Yuma responds. He gets up. "Well, I have to go now. I told sis that I'd be back before she gets back." He waves and rushes out.

"Bye," I call with a wave. I watch as Yuma leaves, silently wondering what's going to happen now.

Mama, who went upstairs for a while, comes downstairs. "Oh, your friend left?"

"Yeah." I try not to show that something's bothering me. "He had to go home."

"I see. Well, your father and I are going to the grocery store. Do you want to come with us?"

"No, I'm fine. I'll take care of the cats while you're away."

"Okay, Just don't get into any trouble." Mama and Papa, who's just now coming downstairs, exit the house.

I sigh and walk upstairs to my room. Bella, the cat who went to Black Mist's former lair, follows me. She meows. I wish I knew what she's saying like Astral can. He and Shiro seem to communicate fine. In fact, he and all of my cats seem to communicate fine. Is it because he can read minds? If so, then that means any mind, right? I'll have to ask him when he's in a better mood.

"Hey, Bella," I say as I sit on my bed.

Bella sits next to me and looks up at me with her large, green eyes. She looks like she wants to tell me something.

"Sorry, but I don't know what you want to tell me. Astral would know."

Suddenly, I hear a voice in my head, "Cathy, can you hear me? Is your mind open now?"

I look down at Bella, completely surprised. "B-Bella, is that you I hear?"

"Yeah, this is me. Well, looks like your mind is open now."

"How is this...?"

"Dunno, but the blue ghost said this would happen sooner or later. Frankly, he didn't look too happy about it."

"Astral said this would happen?"

"Yeah. Off the subject, but he's much better than the black ghost."

I giggle. "I know what you mean. Anyways, what do you mean by 'He didn't look too happy about it'?"

Bella cocks her head to the side. "Dunno. He just didn't look happy at all."

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