Chapter 4

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I resurface to find myself back inside the Key with 11 seeing about mental injuries. I sit up, wincing as the pain shoots up my brain.

"What happened?" 11 asks. "You were out for some time."

"Mental conversation with Black Mist," I mutter.

"I can't believe he set that trap!" an angry voice rants. Agent 23. Of course.

"Do not be so angry, 23," a female voice says. Agent 20. "None of us knew what was going on."

"Question is," 9 muses, "why didn't it affect all of us? Why just 12?"

"He's a dangerous one," 17 says. "He has developed into a Dark Number, capable of anything. I don't think any of the other Numbers can take him down." He flicks his tail. "He probably came up with a way to do that."

23 sheathes his sword, which he has been banging loudly against the gears during his rage. "See, this is why it's handy to have a Number with us. Now I know why 12 chose you. Good choice." He turns to me. "By the way, how did you know our target is a Number?"

"By the way he introduced himself," I respond with a shrug. "He said, 'Number 96 Black Mist.' It was quite obvious, really."

"Yes, quite obvious indeed, Astral," his voice purrs. "But do you know how I became Number 96?"

We all turn to see Black Mist leaning against a gear, something bulking in the shadows behind him. He has his arms crossed facing toward us.

17 looks behind Black Mist and notices the shadow. "He has found his Monster," he hisses, narrowing his dragon eyes.

"Ah yes, my Number Monster." Black Mist pushes himself off and steps aside so the Monster can show itself. "All my life, I was wondering when I would find him or he would find me. Of course, I don't think he would show up while I was imprisoned. He's here now, though." He smirks. "Why don't you summon you're Number Monster, Number 17 Leviathan Dragon. I'm sure they would love to meet each other."

17 lets out a reptilian hiss. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

Black Mist giggles. "Ah, gomen nasai. I wasn't supposed to say your real name, huh?" He grins. "Slipped."

The shadow finally steps out, and we all take a look. It looks like a kind of bull (Yuma showed me one) with fire spouting from its shoulders. It is black like its master, and its hands are adorned with dull, silver claws. A "96" is printed on its eyeless head. Its stomach is sort of a mouth too. It has dull, silver teeth lining the rim. It growls when it sees me.

"Well, looks like he shares the same hate for you as I do, huh Astral?" Black Mist snickers as I narrow my eyes when he said my name in front of the others so carelessly. The Agents only tell their real names to each other when they feel a strong trust that cannot be broken. This is to prevent any emotional damage if we get too close.

17 summons a beast with a dragon-like growl. Overhead, a dragon resembling him roars and descends.  "Let's make this a battle between Number Spirits," 17 hisses.

The dragon lands and flares its six winged arms. It lets out a low growl.

Black Mist studies his claws with a bored expression. "If you want it that way, fine. Just don't expect to win."

That is when the battle commences. 17 dragon is the first to strike. On his command, the beast takes off and ascends. It sends a stream of energy right at Black Mist's creature.

With a grin, Black Mist says, "Shadow Gain." Immediately, the creature's mouth/stomach opens, the teeth spreading, as black goo gushes out, enveloping the dragon and momentarily immobilizing it.

"Wh-what the...?" 17 stutters. The dragon gets duller, and the creature closes its mouth, releasing the dragon.

"It's an ability I just found out," Black Mist explains, sounding like a child on Christmas. "It takes half of your dragon's power and adds it to my doppelganger's power. Such a useful power, no?" 

17 lets out another reptilian hiss. "Power up," he commands, and his beast immediately regains color. Not all, but some.

Black Mist laughs. "You think that puny power-up will save you? Think again, Number 17!"

The battle is not long, and Black Mist is the victor, as he expected.

"What'd I tell you?" he brags. "You never stood a chance."

11 starts tending to the dragon's wounds while the rest of us, excluding 17, take up battle stances.

"Oh, relax, all of you." Black Mist waves a dismissive hand. "The only one I'm really after is Astral."

I stiffen. "Why do you wish me dead? What have I done?"

Black Mist's mood goes cold. "A lot, Brother. Too much to forgive."

Too much? What could I have possibly done to make him want to kill me? Maybe that memory...

"Like what?" I ask, my voice hard and cold. "Give me one thing that proves I have done anything."

"Oh, let me think," Black Mist snarls. "It started in the Early Years and is associated with that little fragment of a memory you have."

I give him a confused look. "I don't get it..."

"You're truly hopeless, aren't you?" Black Mist growls. "Never mind! We'll get to the matter later when the others aren't around." With that, he leaves into the shadows, his doppelganger following like an obedient dog.

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