Chapter 17

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Part 3

~Yuma Tsukumo~

There haven't been much attacks the first few days, but they've been growing in brutality over the weeks. Astral and I have been investigating the areas, and they've all shown that it was Black Mist. Surprised? I didn't think so. It's as if Black Mist's been having anger management issues over the weeks! Seriously, when is he going to stop? There's no need for all of this!

While I'm discussing this with Cat, I see Kasai rushing home. I try to call out to him.

"I'm not in the mood!" he shouts as he stalks away.

"Yuma," Astral whispers, "Kasai seems a bit suspicious to me. I do not know why."

"Does he?" I watch as Kasai disappears in front of me. "Well, I barely met the guy, so I can't jump to conclusions. Besides, he seems normal to me."

Astral sighs. "It is true that he seems normal. Even his mind is that of a human, but there is something that makes me uneasy. Something deep and dark that I cannot identify..."

Kotori taps my shoulder. "Who are you talking to, Yuma?" she asks. "I don't see anyone in that direction."

I turn to Astral. "Are you making yourself unseen?"

"Yes," he responds. "Only you and Cathy are able to see me at the moment."

I turn to Kotori. "Just a spirit friend. I don't know if you'll believe me, but he's right there in that direction."

"Can he show himself?" Kotori asks. "I'll believe it if he does."

Cathy speaks up. "I don't think he's comfortable with doing that." She looks up at Astral. "Are you?"

Astral smiles, though it's not a genuine smile. "I would prefer it if only my partners in investigation can see me." He thinks for a while. "I suppose I can make an exception for this time. Kotori seems like she does not believe you both. Just this once." He stresses that matter with a stern look and one finger pointing up, showing us that he'll only do this once.

"Astral says he'll only show himself to you this once," I tell Kotori. "Just this once." I copy Astral's gesture.

"Okay," she says dubiously.

She suddenly staggers back as Astral reveals himself. Funny thing is, he's right in front of her when he does. This makes me laugh and Cat giggle.

"Hello, Kotori. My name is Astral," he says plainly.

"H-h-hello," Kotori stammers. "W-wow. I had no idea you were real."

"Well, I am, and now you know." With that, Astral becomes visible only to Cathy and me. I know this because Kotori starts searching for him.

I see my house, and I wave goodbye to Kotori and Cat. "See you guys later!" I call as I race inside.

"Hey, Yuma," Akari says, buried in her work as usual. "How was school?"

"Great!" I shout as I drop my stuff in my room. I then race outside to see the damage caused last night. Astral follows quickly.

We don't have far to go because this time, the damage was huge. Anybody would be able to see it.

Astral, who is always interested in things like this, quickly flies over to the ruins. I follow quickly behind him.

The policemen spot me running toward the rubble, and a group of them stop me. "You're not supposed to be here," one says.

Astral makes himself visible and replies, "We actually have a matter connected to this, so yes, we are in fact supposed to be here." Wow, talk about blunt.

The same policeman looks at Astral, then to me. "What's your name, boy?" he asks me.

"Yuma Tsukumo," I answer.

"Yes, that rings a bell. The two boys who solved all the impossible mysteries. This one might be no different. Alright, you can go."

I follow Astral as he takes a look at the destruction. I look for any sign of Black Mist, too.

"Yuma," Astral calls. "He left us a message."

I go to him, and the police and investigators follow. The message is in a strange type of writing, and I can't make out what it says. It doesn't help that it's written in blood.

" 'Let the madness free,' " Astral translates. He glowers at the message. "This was meant for me. That is why it is written in my native language."

We look around some more, but we come up empty. That message was the only clue. We explain that we may know who it might be, but we're not certain. We'll tell them when we know for sure. That's a total lie.

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