Chapter 29

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When I close the door to my house, Mama and Papa are all over me, worried sick as to where I've been.

"Cathy, where have you been?" Mama demands.

"We were worried about you," Papa says.

"I was at Yuma's house," I answer as calmly as possible. "Astral had to deal with something, and Yuma and I had to help him. No need to worry."

"Who is this 'Astral'?" Papa asks with a confused look. "Now's the only time I've ever head you talk about him."

I face palm. "I forgot! I'm sorry, Papa. He's just so quiet, you forget he's there until he actually speaks up."

"He's one of Cathy's friends," Mama explains. "He and Yuma, the boy from her school, are sort of detectives without a license."

"Yeah, and they can solve even the most impossible cases!" I exclaim. "They told me about one particularly strange mystery about the disappearing children. They always seemed to vanish into thin air! Turns out, it was a kidnapper with strange black magic. Astral told me that bit, and he would never tell a lie. He says it's against all he lives for unless it's for someone's safety."

"So, what happened that caused you to be so late?" Mama asks.

"Oh, I'm not sure Astral wants me to tell anyone. It's sort of something personal, and he's still getting over it. He tends to keep his personal business to himself," I explain.

"That's unfortunate," Papa muses. "Could it be stress?"

"That's part of it. Right now, we're still chasing the one that destroyed the city. We call him 'The Shadow,' and it's not for nothing. He's a slippery one."

"Well, that's enough to put anyone under stress," Mama comments. "Is there anything we can do to help him?"

I shake my head. "He just needs time to cool off. He'll be better after a while."

"Okay," Papa sighs. "Well, go to sleep, Cathy. Even though tomorrow's Sunday, your body still needs rest."

I nod. "I know. Astral always said that to think straight, your mind and body needs rest." I pause for a while. "Though, that's coming from someone who doesn't sleep for weeks..."

"Weeks?" Papa gapes at me.

"Oh, you're surprised? Yes, I forgot to mention that he himself is not human." I race upstairs to my room. "Good night!"

I hear a knock on the door. I wake up instantly, throw off the covers, change into my dress, and race downstairs.

"Hello, boys," Mama says, her voice carrying upstairs. "Please, come in."

"Thank you," Astral says. I can hear the fake (yet genuinely convincing) smile in his voice. "Do you know where Cathy is?"

"Upstairs. She's most likely awake by now."

I reach the foot of the stairs. "Yuma! Astral! Hi!" I shout in welcome.

One of my cats, the little white kitten who first greeted Astral, pads silently up to him and mews in greeting. Astral allows himself to smile softly, and he picks up the kitten,

"Thank you," he says. "You have done a wonderful job. I am forever grateful." Astral runs his hand along the kitten's back and sets him down.

The kitten purrs happily, but he refuses to leave Astral's side.

I giggle. "You can keep him if you want," I offer. "He seems to like you."

"Are you sure?" he asks. "I would not like to separate you from your companion."

"It's fine. He doesn't really like it here, and they all leave at some point."

The cat looks up at Astral hopefully. Astral nods. "Alright, then. If he wishes, he can come." He picks the cat up again and runs his translucent hand across his back again. "Shiro. His name will be Shiro."

I smile. "So, what did you come here for?"

"Just to visit," Yuma says.

Papa comes downstairs. He sees Yuma and Astral. "Good morning," he says casually, not at all fazed that Astral isn't human.

Astral lands lightly, and he turns human. His hair falls to his face, his skin turns pale, his eyes and markings remain the same, he wears a white t-shirt with blue jeans, and blue shoes cover his feet. Holding Shiro close, he bows deeply. "Ohayo gozaimasu. I am Astral," he greets. He straightens, then he jumps into the air, morphing back into his original form.

"I'm Yuma," Yuma says. "Nice to meet you." He holds out his hand, and Papa shakes it.

"So, you two are Cathy's friends." Papa looks to Astral after releasing Yuma's hand. "Cathy was right when she said you aren't human. You're more like a ghost."

Astral looks relieved that Papa didn't ask him anything. "Cathy has told you about me? Well, that is no surprise. If a big-mouthed human were to see me, gossip would be spreading like chaos," he chuckles.

Papa smiles. Those two seem to be getting along pretty well. "So, are you well-known?"

"Not here. I prefer to remain invisible. I do not like the attention very much." Astral extends his right arm as Shiro starts clambering up to his shoulder. "There are very few who know of my existence that are not dead." His expression darkens.

"Oh, Astral. If only you knew how many more died." Two eyes peer down at us from the top of the stairs.

We look up. Black Mist grins down at us.

"I decided that since the end is near, I should make myself known to a few more," he says, still grinning. He floats down and does a mocking bow. "I am Number 96 Black Mist." He chuckles. "You know, you should really do something about this lighting. Who knows what kind of shadows might be lurking about."

Astral's expression darkens ever more. "What do you want?" he practically growls. "Do you not have anything better to do?"

"Nope." Black Mist grins. "Afraid not."

Astral sighs. "I need to deal with you."

Papa stares neutrally at Black Mist. "What are you doing here?" he asks calmly yet sternly.

"Just visiting," Black Mist replies innocently. "Is there anything wrong with that?"

Papa looks surprised. "Um...well, they don't seem to like the fact that you're here."

Black Mist waves it off. "Well, that's between us. No need to get involved if you don't know what's going on."

"Black Mist, can we take this inside?" Astral asks, but it sounds more like a demand.

"Sure, why not?" Black Mist responds with a shrug. They both disappear into the Key. Astral takes Shiro with him.

"Papa, Mama, whatever you do, do not do anything to provoke him," I warn. "There's no telling what Black Mist will do if he's angry."

Mama looks at me with a confused expression. "What do you mean?" she asks.

"Do you remember how your old house was destroyed?" Yuma asks to refresh her memory.

Realization dawns on Mama's face. "He destroyed it?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Yuma sighs. "And here I thought we would have a peaceful day."

"You can stay for a while if you want," I offer.

"Sure." Yuma smiles.

We spend the entire morning just hanging out and having fun, forgetting all about our Black Mist problem. We joke about trivial things. We pretty much do what any teenager our age would do. Well, that is until Astral comes out with a stern face. Even Shiro, who's still perched on his shoulder, seems to look angry.

"Things have gotten serious," Astral says seriously. "I do not think you two should be a part of this anymore."

Shiro nods in agreement.

"Why?" Yuma asks. "What happened?"

"Everything has gotten out of hand, Yuma. As I said, you two will not be a part of this anymore.

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