Chapter 27

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Black Mist grins at me. "You really shouldn't be surprised. I know you've already suspected my real identity, so I decided to confirm your suspicions among other things." He chuckles and floats over to me. "One of those things is that I want to know the names of the other Agents, and you just so happen to know them. Mind if you tell me what they are?"

"Why would I tell you that?" I ask. "I would never tell you anything!"

"Well, it's not like it's a big secret anymore. It won't be the end of the world if you tell me three little words." Black Mist raises one hand, and the words are out before I can stop.

"Agent 5 is Asterite, Agent 11 is Nebula, and Agent 23 is Justice." I slap my hand over my mouth.

He lowers his hand. "His name is just like his sword," Black Mist sighs. "So plain. Anyways, thank you!" he chirps. "Oh, by the way, feel free to tell Astral everything you've found out. It'll be fun to know what the Light Forces will do to him or you guys this time." Black Mist then transforms into his human form. "If you tell anybody else that I am Kasai, you will wish you never did," he purrs, his voice back into Kasai's voice.

I make a soft snarling sound and get out. "So, that's all you needed help with?" I ask, using school work to mask our conversation.

"Yeah," Black Mist responds. "Thanks."

Mama and Papa come upstairs. "What did you need, Kasai?" Mama asks. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"No, it's alright," Black Mist answers with a fake (yet genuinely convincing) smile. "It was just something I didn't understand. Cathy helped me."

"Yeah," I agree. "Nothing I couldn't handle." I walk Black Mist to the door. "What did you mean by 'If you tell anybody else that I am Kasai, you will wish you never did'?" I ask him.

"Oh, just that if you tell anybody, bad things will happen to you." He opens the door. "Just remember that warning." He smirks and exits, transforming the moment he hits a shadow.

I watch as he leaves, darting from shadow to shadow like a black snake. I have to hand it to him, he's very graceful and nimble for an evil spirit. Just like Astral. I walk back inside.

"Mama, Papa, I'm going to go to visit Yuma," I announce as I go upstairs. I change into my dress, pull on my shoes, and head outside.

While I walk outside, I get to thinking. How did Black Mist know that I knew something about Astral? If he knows that, then that must mean that he knew I was around. I stayed out of range, though. He must have read my mind. I sigh. Black Mist is very confusing a lot of the time.

When I arrive at Yuma's house, I knock softly on the door. His sister Akari opens it.

"You're Yuma's friend, right?" she asks before I can say anything.

"Yeah," I answer. "Is Yuma here?"

"In his room doing something." Akari steps aside to let me through.

"Thanks." I walk to Yuma's room and I end up in his attic-like room. "Yuma?" I call. "Are you here?"

"Right here?" Yuma calls from the window. "Is everything alright?"

I nod. "I just need to tell you and Astral something." I start looking around. "Where is he, anyways?"

"He's in the Key. Here, I'll call him." Yuma takes the Emperor's Key and starts tapping it in a sort of pattern. "Astral. Hey, Astral. Cat needs to talk with us."

Astral appears in a flash, and he turns to me. "What is it you wish to talk about, Cathy?" he asks.

"Okay, I need to tell you two something," I begin. "Sometimes at night, I follow you, Astral. I go to see things while they aren't touched by others." I look Astral right in the eye. "I've learned things about you. Things you've never told me." I begin ticking the things off on my fingers. "You and your friends are Light Agents, you can read minds, you're the leader of your team, and your Rank is 12." I look closely at him for a reaction.

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