The Glass Slipper pt 8

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I whipped around, startled by the sudden sound. "What the..."

Standing before me was a beautiful woman. Her shimmering eyes were full of warmth, her coppery skin was flawless, and her black hair shone. She wore a simple white dress with flowing sleeves and unadorned sandals. The natural ease with which she walked gave her a confident, in control look. I gasped.

"I asked you a polite question," the woman prompted. "And I would like an answer."

I flushed with embarrassment. "My stepmother, Hera, forbid... Forbade? Forbade me from going," I nervously rambled, then continued. "I'm sorry, but WHO IN THE HEAVENS ARE YOU?!"

The woman chuckled softly, a sound that was vaguely familiar. "Why, Annabeth, dearest, I really thought you'd recognize your godmother!"

"Hestia?" My voice cracked as I was overcome with emotion. Hestia was my

"Indeed, my child." Hestia came forward and embraced me tightly. "It's been awhile. Stepmother, you said? You father finally remarried?"

I sighed inwardly. I knew she would ask. "No, he passed away some time ago. When I say stepmother, I just mean caretaker."

She nodded and gave me a once over. "Heavens, child! If you think you can attend the ball in this state, you quite certainly be wrong!" Then she walked all around me, muttering to herself and counting on her fingers. She snapped her fingers excitedly.

"Annabeth, I have just the spell for you!" Hestia began chanting, first softly, gradually increasing in volume. Golden magic flowed from her delicate fingers, wrapping me in a dazzling blanket. The intensity of the light grew and I closed my eyes to keep from going blind.

When I opened them at last, I felt the same, but my godmother just looked at me and beamed.

"My darling, you look just perfect!" She created a mirror and held it up to me to see. I drew a long breath, preparing myself mentally.

I was gorgeous.

My long blonde hair was braided down my back, with my bangs curled to frame my face. A golden crown set with rubies rested on my head. I wasn't wearing any makeup as far as I could tell. I wore a floor length, opalescent dress that shone rainbow in light. Its lacy sleeves were short and airy, with gold thread sewn in an intricate design. A thin belt sat on my waist, complemented by the gold/ruby necklace I wore. The top of the dress was a bit low, but it fit my figure and even enhanced it slightly. The skirt was large and billowy, flapping gently in the breeze.

But what surprised me the most was my shoes.

They were made of glass, reflective and shining. The heels were tall, but nowhere near uncomfortable. Wearing them exaggerated my height but made me look more mature.

"Wow!" I gushed. "Hestia, I look incredible!"

She grinned slyly. "Obviously. How else are we gonna get the prince to notice you? No, you mustn't be late, your carriage will be here soon." She ushered me towards the entrance of the house onto the driveway, where a grand coach was waiting. A footman helped me in, and we set off for the ball.

"Remember, dear!" Hestia called. "The spell will only last until midnight!" And she disappeared in a shower of sparks.

The Glass Slipper (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now