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My first day awake in a year and I was exhausted. After learning I had a baby meeting my husband I had no idea I had. I had also talked with Becky for hours.by then I needed some sleep so I asked Becky to take the baby to the nursery.

I layed in bed a while before I fell asleep. My sleep was restless. I was having dreams. I'm unsure of what they were, the longer I tried to figure them out the more obscure they became. I tried to turn to my side to sleep and I was suddenly in pain. Forgetting I had surgery not long ago. Sitting in bed I didn't know I felt so lousy.

Finally getting some rest i was awoken by a different nurse coming into my room. She was pushing Evie in the blastic bassinet. She announced it was feeding time.

"It's time to wake up Ms Matthew. Lil miss Evie is hungry. We bathed her and she's napped now she's ready for her mama." said new nurse.

I stretched awake best I could after having surgery. Realizing I was now in more pain than before. I asked the nurse for something that might help ease some pain. She left Evie in my arms and left the room.

It was so strange looking at her. She lay there quietly listening to me. Its hard to telling if she was awake or not. Not having eyes was weird. I gently stroked her cheek and hair. She had brown hair very short but a lot of it. It was similar to mine, before it turned red.

Evie made gurgling baby noises and was trying to get her fist into her mouth. I decided to try and breastfeed her. Not knowing much about this. Never getting to talk to my mom about such things. Evie seemed to know just what to do so i let her. She sucked noisily when the nurse came back with some meds. i took them not even asking what they were then suddenly realized, was i taking alien medication?

"Good old fashioned Earth medication. We discovered it works best for us mothers. Just some mild pain relief". She said right on time answering my own questions. She pushed the plastic crib closer to my bed. Then busied herself around my room till she left.

While Evie nursed I looked around my room noticing it for the first time. It was white and plastic like and kinda clear. And back lit with soft colors . It did look a little space age. Kinda reminded me of movies I had seen as a teenager. The wall were lined with doors that led to closets and cupboards. There was a small sink and all my stats were on a screen next to my bed on the wall. Like the wall was a computer screen. They glowed. Bright red and blue words and numbers. They meant nothing to me. I had no idea what they were used for.

I instinctively switched side with Evie nursing. Still hard to tell if she was awake or eating in her sleep.

Just then my door opened, Matthew came in. A little slow at first. Probably making sure I was awake. I didn't even try to cover my chest up. Seemed natural not to hide myself. Bare chest to the world with a baby on the boob. A smile spread on his face. Realizing I also had a smile on my own. Kinda glad to see him.

"I'm glad to see you awake now. You rested most of the night" he said. "I came back last night but you were fast asleep and Evie was in the nursery asleep as well" he continued.

"I slept fine after a while. Had a few deams i can't t remember now. But finally i was able to rest". I continued to smile and looking at him.

"Have you gotten any memory's back?" he asked.

"No not yet."

"You look excited to see me. So i was wondering." he said.

"Well you are now a familiar face and not to bad to look at. I'm getting used to the idea of all this." i said.

"Oh Ellen i love you so much. I was afraid outside. Id would go through life with no one to love. No family. But finding humans was the best thing to have happened. I found you and you make me so happy. This last year has been so lonely. " I was blushing at his words. If i wasn't in love with just my lost memories i'd fall in love all over again. He made it so easy.

Truth was i was getting some memories. But it was foggy so i wanted to wait before I told him.

"Why don't the children have eyes?" i just blurted it out. I just had to know.

" you see back on our planet we evolved different than humans. We didn't need our vision at first. We use our other senses more so our eyes were last to form. Also because of that we have better eyesight because of it. Our bodies taking the time to grow them and mature better. Also why we have double eyelids." I found this all very interesting. I loved all this medical stuff

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