1 The Awakening.

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Chapter 1

The Awakening

I was not sure how long I had been asleep but from what I heard they take you and make you sleep at least a year. That way your family and friends forget about you and you become nothing but a slave. I know I was taken and now I could tell I was waking up. I could not yet move my arms or legs. But I could wiggle my toes, fingers and move my eyes from side to side. My vision was still blurry and I was only able to see light and dark shadows. I was warm but I could tell I was naked. There was nothing I could do so I just shut my eyes and let sleep take me until my body responded to my own commands and I was able to see.

I don't know how long I napped for but when I did awaken there were women in my view. They were dressed in old fashioned white type of nurse's uniforms. They appeared to be happy. They were talking amongst themselves while moving around me. One of the women came near me and noticed I was awake now.

"Hey girls, this new one is awake now. Help me get her up, and let's not frighten her ok." A blond very light skinned woman was talking over me. I turned my head to my right and four other women came towards me. They were all talking about different things and I was not able to focus on any of them. The only one that I could understand was the blond that still stood above me.

"Sweetie what's your name, can you hear me yet?" The blond women asked me. I shook my head yes but when I tried to talk I was unable to do so. There was a tube coming from my mouth and my nose. I began to panic and I reached up to my face with my hands but she stopped me. She had grabbed my hand and another nurse grabbed my other hand and held them firmly to the bed.

"Don't pull on it I will take it out just as soon as I know you can breathe on your own. I'm going to ask you to do certain things then if you can I will remove the tube and we will get you orientated. Ok?" The blond asked me. I could only shake my head yes.

"You already passed the first test by moving your hand to your face; this means you are aware of your being. Now I need you to move your toes."

"Ok good can you lift your head up off the table, ok good." I did everything she said. I could hear her pushing buttons and the air flow through the tube stopped and I took my own breath through the tubing. Next she took the tubing in her hands and pulled the tube out from my mouth. I could feel the material sliding through esophagus and out of my nose and my mouth at the same time. It made me want to gag, I started to cough and I tried to sit up once it was out.

The women held me down and the blond told me to take a few deep slow breaths and that this happens to all the new moms. I whipped my head towards her and tried to talk. Nothing came out of my mouth but a few cracks of noise. The blond handed me over a glass of water; at least I had hoped it was water. It tasted like water. I gave it back and tried to talk again.

"New moms?" is what I managed to get out. I wanted to scream and throw my arms about in protest but I had no strength in me.

"Yes, you are a new mom and live aboard the ship; did you not volunteer for the hybrid program?' The blond asked me with her eyebrows closing in on her nose. For a blond she sure had dark thick brows, I was being distracted by them for a moment, then I remembered I was still angry.

"No, I was taken just like other women in my town."

"They don't take anyone; we all volunteered to become mothers. Would you like to see your baby?" The blonde must have had the bleach gone to her head because I was in no way a mother or a volunteer for some so called hybrid program.

I was about to decline and tell her to go to hell but as I did a new nurse was wheeling a plastic crib type thing towards me. I was in shock and my mouth hung open.

"Honey close your mouth you'll catch flies with it hanging open like that." The blonde now thinks she must have a since of hummer but I just stared at her and the plastic crib.

"I'm just kidding there are no bugs in space." The blond said.

"I'm in space?" I asked in shock once again. I was not sure how much more I could take.

"Well yes in the hybrid program the mothers need to be in space and not on one of the hovering ships on earth, for some reason having successful offspring out here works better then in earth's atmosphere." Was this blonde for real?

The new nurse made her way towards me with what I assumed was baby wrapped in a white blanket.

"Would you like to hold her?" she asked me. I shook my head no. I wanted nothing to do with her, her it's a girl. I thought to myself. The blonde spoke up again and told everyone to leave the room. All the extra women left me in the room with crazy bleached uni-brow not so funny of a nurse and a thing in the plastic baby crib.

"I know this seems weird and kinds like a twilight episode but somehow you got into the hybrid program and you're here now with a baby and now you need to help take care of it. Babies have not been doing well and many have died, and if you don't want your daughter to die I suggest you woman up and take care of her, I will help you if you have any questions." This blonde just yelled at me. But she got her point across.

Somehow I got here even if I was not a volunteer I'm here now and this baby is supposed to be mine.

"I just need some time to adjust, I mean I just woke up from being kidnap I have been away from my family for over a year and now you say I'm a mother. How am I supposed to take this?" I yelled back at Blondie.

"Ok, let's talk this out and try to be calm, I will start from the beginning from when you were brought here maybe it will help you adjust better. First of all my name is Becky." Yup perfect name for Miss Blondie, I mean Becky.

"Well ok, I guess I will play nice." My reply got me a smile from Becky.

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