3 Meeting Mathews

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Chapter 3

Meeting Mathews

I was sitting in my bed holding Evie my new hybrid human Nemowon baby, trying to take in everything Becky had told me. I still had so many more questions but the newest one was the issue with my name. Somehow I had the wrong name on my chart and this entire time they thought my last name was Mathews. But that's wrong my name is Evens. They had no idea what my first name was. Did that not seem odd that I did not come here with a first name on file?

Don't most women who come to a program like this give first and last names and sign a consent form or something. I mean did I just show up here with the name Mathews and they thought I was a willing participant for the program. It's all just so wrong and speaks to me of fraud.

"My name is Mathew." He said, this beautiful Nemowon that just walked into my room. I could not help but stare up at him. He was tall and the perfect specimen of the Nemowon race. His name was Mathew, after my staring at him it dawned on me.

"Who are you, and why does your name match the one on my file. It's not my name." I asked him and laid it out bluntly to him. Becky just stared at him like I had done a few minutes ago.

"I'm sorry but I had to, May I speak with you in private. Please?" Mathews asked me. I gave Becky a nod and she left my room. But promised to come back and teach me how to care for the hybrid baby.

After Becky left my room this Mathews fella came over to my bed side and looked down at Evie. Then took the same seat Becky was using. I said one word to him after he took his seat.

"Talk." Was the work I said and I used a tone in my voice that meant business.

"Yes, I expect you have many questions. But I must tell you from the beginning." Mathews said.

"Yes that would be a good place to start." I was trying to keep my composure it was hard around him I wanted to just look into his beautiful green eyes and stare at his brown locks. But I forced myself to listen to what he was going to say. It must be important.

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