2 Q & A Time

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Chapter 2

Q & A Time

After Blondie told me her name was Becky I had to make a mental note to make sure not to call her Blondie out loud to her. We started with me asking the questions and Becky giving me an answer as long as she knew it, she said. She made it clear she had no idea I was kidnapped when I showed up in the maternity ward where she works.

It turns out Becky is a mother as well she has had three babies but the first two did not survive. Her current baby was a few months old and doing well so far.

"How come no one on earth knows about the hybrid program, yet they seem to have volunteers?" I asked my first question.

"It started over ten years ago when the Nemowon people came to earth looking for a place to call home, they offered humans technology in exchange for peace and a place to live. But you know this because your twenty years old and was ten when they arrived." Becky stated. I knew how the Nemowon came to earth, I remember the very day. It caused panic all over the world.

"The Nemowon are a race of men or the equivalent to the male of their species, something happened to the women of their kind and they all died off. And if they could not somehow combine with humans to create a new race their very own would die." Becky said with sadness in her eyes and voice.

"Yes I remember when the government stated what the Nemowon people wanted with the humans, and it causes many problems. Nearly everyone wanted nothing to do with interspecies mixing. But what our government did say was they would help them to find a way to create babies via test tubes or some other fashion then to mix species." I told her.

"My very own father was against the alien's even being here, he said it's not natural and humans were not ready for this kind of invasion." I added.

"But how do you feel about the Nemowon coming to earth for help, you must see how much trust they put on earth with their greatest needs." Becky pleaded with me.

"Oh, I think they are fascinating, I loved watching movies with aliens in them, and I'm intrigued by them. I don't harbor any hate towards them other than somehow I was kidnapped, brought here and was forced to have a child." I laid out to her.

"I understand, do you know why there are rumors of women being taken and when they do they sleep for a year?" Becky asked me. I was kind of startled by such a blunt question even though I have been thinking about it myself. I answered her with a nod of my head.

"The women that can't produce a child are sent back to earth with their minds wiped clean of any event, because they all wanted children very much the Nemowon thought it was best to rid them of such bad memories." She took a breath and continued. I had a feeling this was going to be long winded, so I sat back on my bed and just listened to everything she had to say. The Baby lay in its plastic bed not making a sound. I tried to ignore it.

"The ones that could produce children were put into a coma of sorts to aid in the pregnancy, the women who tried to carry a baby while awake were unable to deal with the changes that occur and it was just easier to sleep it away, also this way they harvest your eggs and have them fertilized and frozen for use later, like in my case. Only during the first pregnancy do any changes occur, any next pregnancy looks like a normal human pregnancy." Taking a breath she continued again.

"During any other pregnancy we don't sleep as we become accustomed to the changes and they don't happen the second or third time around. I only had to sleep the first year and not during my other two pregnancy." She paused for breath and I had to get a question in before she started up again.

"What kinds of changes happen, and why do they harvest the eggs?" This was my question to her.

"Um well all your hair falls out, your skin turns green with orange spots, but that's just your appearance there are also hallucinations that occur and most women get violent so it's best we just sleep through it. By the time a baby is born which is taken via c-section the green skin and orange spots fade but the hair grows in a new color which marks the humans as a mother, it happens to all mothers, it turns red afterwards." She said the last part with a wince in her face like she was afraid I was going to scream. I did not scream but I did demand a mirror.

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