4 Matthew tells almost all!

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Matthew started by saying he was sorry that I was now a part of this.
I was on a mission trip to Earth to try and convince the different governments that we could offer so much to your world if we mixed our races. There were so many benefits. But all your world can see was an invasion of aliens and that we have ulterior motives.
Our only motive is survival of our kind. Our culture, science and arts. Isn't that what most human cultures strive for.

I was starting to see this was going to be long winded. So I had to stop him. I knew most of the benifits they had to offer. I found them very interesting. I was intrigued by them. If I were older I might have offered to be a mom. But I was young and had a very apposing father. Im only 20 and still living under dads thumb. So I kept my interest in the Nemowons hidden from daddy.

"I understand all of that. Im a huge sopporter for your kind. But I want to know how did I get here, and why wasnt my name on the chart." I said in a hurried tone. I was getting very sleepy. Who would have thought that after sleeping for a year and im still. tired.
"I knew you would have some memory issues. I came and visited you everyday and was even with you during the birth of our baby". Matthew spoke with sadness.
"Wait this baby is yours?" Im stunned.
Matthew reached into the pocket of his pants and I sat back further in my bed. I was scared he was reaching for a weapon of some sort. But he pulled out a picture and turned it towards me. I took it in my hands and examined it. It was me and him in a church.The kind you might find in Reno. We were holding hands. I had huge googoo eyes looking toward him. And he was smiling right at the camera. I was waring what looked to be a rented dress and him a tux.

I look must have gotten his attention. Me with my mouth gaping open in disbelief. I happened to look down at my hands and there it was a gold band on my left hand ring finger. No way? Did i really marry this man. This alien a Nemowon. He must have sinced my disbelief.
"I know this is a shock. But I ensure you your memory will come back. Its a side effect from the pregnancy. And im so sorry it happened this way." he said apologetically.

"This way. What do you mean this way" im still in shock. How much can one person take a time because im getting a crap load.

"The only way to get you back to the ship to be with me was to put you in the hybrid program. You agreed you wanted a baby. Even though it was so soon in our relationship. You were nervous but thats because we were the first intermarriage ever. In order to have my new wide live here with me you had to be in the program. All women on the ship ether had babies or were about to. Theres no protocol for a marriage. But now that your are a mother you can stay here and we can be a family. " he blurted out so fast. I could see the love in his eyes. But did I really marry an alien?
"You will get your memory back. I know you will then you will understand. We knew this would happen. I had a feeling you would be one of them ones to loose thier memory. Im so sorry I love you so much."

Oh good lord. He said he loves me. And I just sat there holding our baby. Our baby. Im married and have a baby and I did agree to do this. Why did I loose my memory. I didnt know of this side effect. He sat thier watching me. Looking at me then our baby girl.

"Im sory this is all so much to take in. I just don't understand this all?"

" I know. Im sorry. The chance of memoery loss is 50/50. But we had no idea you would be one of the ones. You really were excited about having this opportunity even if it was so soon after we got married." I could really tell why I fell in love with this man. But did i really?

"Shes beautiful. Our daughter is amazing. Did you name her yet. Did you have a name in mind? We never had time to discuss one." He was watching her with total adoration in his eyes.

"Well I had one in mind. But now im not sure. I didnt know I was married 20 minutes ago. Now I think we need to decide together?" I really didn't know what to say.

"What ever you want im sure it will be as beautiful as you are." he smiled at me. Oh goodness im blushing now. Hes amazing how could I not be in love.

" I always liked Evie. Eve was the first name of the first women. Its in the bible. It seems kinda fitting. She is after all the first baby for a intermarred couple. Right?" I said.

" I love the name. Hello little Evie. Welcome to the universe." he beemed with new daddy love.

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