I don't disagree, class at nine am? Isn't that against human rights or something?

"The prince has arrived!" A voice bellows, making me jump as I'm bending down to lift out my books.

"Wow!" Jack raises his voice to match Yaqoob's. "All stand!"

"Nah," Yaqoob waves his hand and dismisses his 'command'. "Man, I'm hungry."

I lift out an apple from my bag before holding it up at him, a raised eyebrow sitting on my forehead. I watch as he grimaces slightly but then nods his head eagerly. I hand it over to him with a playful eye roll, making sure not to touch his hand.

"You look knackered, Alvina." Yaqoob says after he swallows a mouth full of fruit. His eyes look up at me, scanning my face.

"Dude!" Jack throws a pen at his head, definitely not impressed with what his conpliment. "Rude."

I snort. "Didn't get much sleep, brother." I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly but I'm slightly worried about my appearance now. I didn't bother trying to make myself look decent because all I was worried about what getting out of the house safely.

"You look awesome," Jack tries to compliment me with a soft smile after giving glares at Yaqoob. "Don't worry."

I laugh. "You don't look to bad yourself, dude!" At this, he flips his blonde hair back dramatically with a grin.

The lesson begins as our teacher explains the topic of discussion which isn't really interesting. I try my best to focus on what Helen is saying but her voice begins to fade away slowly and my mind drifts somewhere else.

I race across the room into Dad's arms where he embraces me warmly and places my head against his broad chest.

Happiness is bubbling through me and I can't help but want to stay in his arms forever.

I feel Baba's chuckles vibrating against my ear, making me giggle at the sound. His stubble tickles my forhead, making me duck my head away from his chin which makes him laugh harder.

"When did you get in?!" I ask him with a huge grin which meets the corners of my eyes before lifting my head off his chest to meet his warm brown eyes.

Dad places me onto the ground softly and steps back, looking down at me. "I never left." I blink at the harshness of his usually soft voice but before I know it, I'm slammed against the wall.

I'm confused for a moment until I realise that Baba has disappeared and that someone else has taken his place.

"Well..." Kamil's voice is dangerously low as his free hand plays with the roots of my hair. "This is going to be fun...isn't it?"

A sudden gasp escapes my lips as I'm dragged back into reality. My elbow slips off the edge of the table in shock and I quickly regain my posture. My eyes glance across the table and I sigh in relief once I realise that no-body caught what just happened.

What even was that?

Before I can even get a chance to ponder up my previous daydream, a familiar deep voice sounds through the room. I'm surprised that I hadn't noticed Ahmed sauntering in late to class.

Wow, that daydream was intense.

"You alright, guys?" He beams at the boys' on the table before shaking their hands with a firm grip.

"You're early." Yaqoob says sarcastically, earning a laugh from Jack.

"You know what they say," Ahmed drops his bag to the floor and drags out the seat from beneath the table before taking a seat. "Early bird catches the worm!"

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