Chapter 5: The Truth Comes Out

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Piper POV

  I had arrived. I was at my dream school. People walked past me with their friends or families carrying suitcases and books. The Wisconsin summer was warm on my body and I shivered. It had been forever since I felt fresh air. I let it all soak in. I was at my dream school; a fresh start, literally. I twirled and squealed of happiness. I looked at my phone. I missed 34 calls from my mother. Oops. I put it away and grabbed my suitcase and I walked inside and after a long 2 hours, they let me get a dorm and welcomed me to the school. The dorm or crib, was huge. Of course, the bed felt like something you'd sleep on it jail, but I could work with it. There was a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. How did I get this lucky? Oh yeah. I had a scholarship! I immediately began decorating my side of the room. I was going to have to share with 3 other girls; hopefully they were nice? Holly, Lindsay, and Paige always planned on going to school together but..I needed a new life. 

 After about two hours later, my side of the room was covered with posters, pictures from home and my friends, I even had a picture of Sean. My memories lied on my wall. The door knob rattled. Someone else was here! I pushed my brown hair to the side and hoped I could get a first good impression. A tall girl with blonde hair walked in. She was wearing a black sweater and blue jeans; she looked model material. She smiled when she saw me; that's a good sign.

 "Hi! I'm Sarah." She grinned. 

"I'm Piper." I smiled back. I suddenly felt self-conscious. It will always be like this won't it? At home I was the ugly friend; it's the same here.

"Can I share a room with you?" She asked and I nodded. She seemed nice; why not? I walked her to the room. You could tell she was amazed. "I'm guessing you spent all your time here so far." She laughed. I nodded. 

"I'm a girl, I like decorating. I'm just waiting for the other two girls before I explore campus...I was thinking we could go together, us four." I blushed. She nodded in agreement,

"Yeah! Of course, i'm down for that." She hugged me. Okay, she was really nice. She began doing her wall. She told me she wanted it to resemble mine in a way so our room doesn't look like two different ones. She put a ton of pictures and posters up, hung some lights by our window. She had an amazing side of the room. I was amazed. She looked back at me and squinted her eyes. "So, what are you here for?" 

 "Art, acting. the A's...and writing, etc, i'm a creative person!" I laughed and she showed a look of impression. 

"Computer science, anything with computers is what I do. I'm a total nerd." She laughed. Oh, she was smart too. 

Sean POV

You know what's scary about dating? You either end up breaking up or you marry the person. I made a mistake of letting her free; so now i'm here to make things right. UWO is huge..i'm never goin to find her.. It's almost impossible. Jane crossed her arms looking around at everyone. I knew she was thinking the same thing. 

"Fuck!" She screamed. I looked at her with shock. "I mean, we'll find her. No worries." she reassured me. I looked down hopelessly. We'll have to search for hours, days maybe! We began to walk around sadly. This is impossible. Utterly impossible. 

 "Sean?" A voice said. It was Piper! She was with three other girls. They all smirked when they saw me. I was holding red roses. I hid them behind my back. Piper ran towards me. "I thought I told you to stop following me.." She sighed. I looked at her hurt. 

"Piper, I love you. I made a mistake. Let me explain, please. No more confusion. Please. I'll tell you everything!" I begged and she looked at me with sympathy and looked back at her friends. She told them she'd catch up. I hid my smile. Jane walked back to the car with a thumbs up.

"Okay, explain." She crossed her arms looking up at me. I hesitated, knowing she was angry but began.

"I broke up with you because you weren't following your dreams. You love this place. But my mom called me saying to come home from my 'road trip' because you were looking for me. And I was on a road trip, believe it or not. I wasn't lying. I was hoping with me gone you'll go; but you just looked for me. So I knew you needed convincing, and that's where Jane comes in. She was always good at plotting and scaring people off, no offense, so I called her up and she had a brilliant idea to go to the beach where we met and leave that picture of us. And when we saw you going home-

 "Sean, hurry up. I know, I saw you following me." she sighed. 

 "You did? Oh. Well, while you were packing I realized I really didn't want you to go...but I knew it was too late. You had packed and I did it. You were going to your dream school; but somehow that broke my heart. I'm really bipolar when it comes to us, Pips. So Jane had this idea of going to UWO before you and surpring you there. So we made our way when I noticed this diner you would stop at, because I know you love diners. I told them to put the necklace in your food to let you know I loved you still. But while we were driving I realized how stupid I was. I probably was confusing the shit out of you. Jane called the radio-station to play that song..and you hated it; and that's when I realized I fucked up. So I began to tell her to go home but she told me not to because you were probably just playing games. So now i'm here. I love you Piper. All the confusion, all the mess, that comes with a relationship. It's no reason to hate me. Please, don't hate me. Give me another chance!"
I took a deep breathe. I never had spoken that long before. She twitched a bit. I stared into her eyes. "Please." I asked again. 

"Did Jane and you guys ever kiss?" She asked me. What?! My eyes widenend. Jane and I did kiss. When we were taking the photos to scare her away. But I didn't want to hurt Piper like that so I did the one of us just laughing. 

"No." I lied. She rolled her eyes and began to walk away with tears in her eyes. 

"You hesitated. Sean...I appreciate that you came all this way but... when I got here I realized how stupid we were. We only dated for a year, Sean. Sure I knew you forever, but you're my first serious boyfriend. I shouldn't have to deal with this shit. If we were to date, we'd have to slow the fuck down because I am tired of all this back and forth. You really are bipolar when it comes to us, Sean." She stated. 

"Piper, all that confusion, all the mess? That's a story. An experience. Sure, we're extremely serious, but that's what happens when something is so real; we're in love! All the world goes away. Nothing matters, not even my fans when I'm with you." I admitted. Her face changed. 

"Remember when I broke up with you because your fans hated me, and you were going to have to choose? I gave you to your fans. But you gave me space; and it hurt like hell, but it worked. So give us space. Because your little Piper is gone." I was in tears.

"Piper, I don't want space. I want you." I said pulling her into a hug.

"Fine. I want you too. I really do, but I want to take it slow. I can't handle us anymore. We're too much of a mess." She admitted. I felt a smile curl up onto my lips.

"Okay. If that's what it takes to be with you. We'll take this real slow. Like this never happened." I smiled and she shook her head.

"No. We need to start over." She told me. My eyes widended.
"I'm Piper." She held out her hand expecting me to shake it. I looked down confused. What? Might as well.

"I'm Sean." I gave her a fake smile. This was bullshit. We have come so far to start over? If that's what she wanted...okay. No more confusion, no more drama. We are a fresh start.

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