Chapter 6: Gone Home

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A/N: I just realized that the song The Scientist reminds me so much of Sean & Piper's you agree? Maybe i'm just crazy. Anyways, enjoy.

  Piper POV- 

    I was stupid to think we could start over. It's different now that i've found out he kissed Jane. It's different now that i've realized what a mess i've made of my life. If there was an award for the most bipolar relationship we'd be higher than Miley and Liam; and that's saying something. I love Sean, I really do...but...ugh. I should just stay away from boys in general. 

    My roommates we're all decent. My favorite was still Sarah, even though envied her. Claire was a diva, with long brown hair with blue eyes; she loved to swim. Patricia was a geek like me. She has short red hair and green eyes. She wears glasses and walks around in her PJ's 24/7. They reminded me of my friends at home which made me feel remorse that I left without saying goodbye. Wyoming to Wisconsin is a hell of a long way. 

   "Piper!" I screeched and turned around. Ew; it was Jane. She was running towards me flinging her arms in the air. I ignored her in despite. "Listen to me." she pushed me into a tree. I was outside smoking a cigarette; yeah, I know. They're bad for me. But lately so much shit has happened they have been my escape in which Sean used to be. I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry. Okay? I don't like Sean; not like that. So please just forgive him; all this? Chasing you? My idea; all of it, every detail was my idea. Don't hate him, hate me. Just forgive him okay?" She asked; which felt more like a threat. I didn't speak. Did she really think it was easy? 

 After she was done with her lecture, she walked away. To my surprise, Sean was walking towards to me now. Fuck! The cigarette! I quickly lit it out and stepped on it. I hope I don't smell like smoke. He walked right up to me. He looked as if he'd seen a ghost. My annoyance turned to sympathy and I asked, "Are you okay?"

 "How much times has your phone gone off?" He asked me. I shrugged and turned it on. I missed 18 calls; mostly from my mom. He sighed. "We've been trying to get ahold of you, Piper. Your little brother Jacob is in the hospital." The words came out of his mouth into my head. Suddenly, I was dizzy. I couldn't hear anything except him. "I'll explain on the way; we're getting on a plane, quickest way there." he stated. Was it that serious? Of course it was...Jacob is in the hospital. He squeezed my hand and we walked to the car. I didn't know what to feel other than broken. 

  "What- what happened?" I stammered. He didn't once look at me. 

 "Apparently from what I heard, he was seriously beat up by a group of kids. Kicked him in the head multiple times, he even broke two bones. He was jumped." He sighed. My thirteen year old brother was jumped. Why would anyone do anything like that? "Anyways, they're not sure if he's going to make it. No one found him until an hour later, he lost a lot of blood...but if he does, he's going to have to be in a wheelchair for a long time." My eyes widened. He may not make it.

  "Have you been smoking?" Sean accused. I didn't even care anymore.







"Well, don't. I don't want you dying on me."

And like that, I burst into tears. He stopped the car and pulled over. We were almost at the airport. 

 "Oh, Pips." He sighed and wrapped me in his arms. "Can we go back to normal?" I know it seemed desperate, but with all the shit I needed him right now. I was done being angry at him. I nodded in tears and he kissed my head. "Go to sleep, Pips. I'll wake you up when we're at the airport." 

 After a long way, we had reached Wyoming again. We were driven to the hospital and Sean held my hand as we walked into the waiting room. My mom was in tears and she hugged me tight. Sean kissed my cheek and sat down and my mom and I got to go see him. 

 Beep. Beep. Beep. That means he has a steady heart right? Seeing him almost made me broke down in tears again. I should've been here sooner. I thought about apologizing for abandoning her, but it was better not to bring it up right now. I sat by Jacob and brushed his forehead. "I'm here, kid. You'll be okay little brother." I said as calmly as I could. The doctor came in. 

 "Well, Jacob is a tough fighter. He's gonna make it by the skin of his teeth. You're lucky. His legs are unfortunately broken, and his left arm is too. He's going to be in a wheelchair...i uh..he's paralyzed, ma'am. He's going to be in a wheelchair his whole life." The doctor looked down. My mom broke into a loud sob. I put my hand on her shoulder. I had to be the strong one here. Jacob's dad knocked on the door and I immediately left.

 "Is he okay?" Sean asked holding my hands. I nodded and shook my head at the same time. 

"Paralyzed. Wheelchair-" my voice broke. He rubbed my arms and pulled me into a hug. 

"What about you? Are you okay?" No. Hold me. Love me. Kiss me. I'm broken. I thought about saying, but I put on a small fake smile and said yes even though tears streamed down my face. 

Sean kissed me. "I called your friends. They're on there- oh." Holly, Paige, and Lindsay came in and gave me a huge hug. Is he okay? Will he survive? Questions filled the room and I answered them. Holly dropped the bomb asking 'Why haven't you contacted us?' I told them everything; every little detail. Holly punched Sean lightly in the shoulder. "Don't smoke anymore!" Sean begged and I smiled and nodded. What a messed up life I live. 

A/N: I wanted to twist it up; do something to get Piper back in her tracks; and I felt this was a big wake up call. Poor Jacob. More soon. . .Thanks for reading. Share it for me? I love you guys for the support. It's unreal. Thanks again.-Jessie

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