Chapter 3: Games

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  I looked everywhere for Sean. He was nowhere to be found. How far could he have driven? I went to the beach. Maybe he was at our spot. There is no way he could just abandon EVERYTHING. He has YouTube. I looked at the sand. A little white note sat where we had met. It was a photo. I looked at it. It was Sean...and some blonde chick? Who was this? I read the note on the back. Having fun. don't look for me. He was having fun with another girl. She was prettier than me. He looked happy. He truly was over us. Fine. Then i'm over him...I began to cry.

Sean POV

  I watched her cry from a distance. Jane grinned and patted my back. 

  "Good job; we did it. She's totally over you. Look!" She pointed with a grin. Piper was ripping up the photo of us. I wanted to run up to her and say 'I love you' but I knew I couldn't. She ripped off the necklace with the gold heart that I gave her on our 7th date. I felt a sharp pain and she threw it in the water. She began to walk to the driveway; my guess going to UWO.

 "Let's follow her." I told Jane. Jane was an old classmate of mine. She smirked and agreed. I wanted to make sure she was going. 

 We arrived at her house and Jane and I watched Piper from a distance in her bedroom window. She was packing. I saw her throw away every picture she had of us. Ouch. I deserved that, I guess. I got a text from Piper.

I'm leaving okay? You can come back from your "road" trip you fucking man-whore. 
I thought you were better than this. Apparently not. Don't EVER talk to me again.

 Looking at her texts I wanted to cry. I wanted to respond 'don't go' but I knew I shouldn't. I wanted to respond 'i love you so much.' but I couldn't. I had to let her leave me. I had to. Right?

  "Hey, Sean...If you love her so much follow her?" Jane asked confused. I looked at Jane. Follow her? Was it that easy? What about my mom? What about YouTube? Maybe I could go on a break? I loved Piper. But..dammit..she needs school. Why am I even going through with this plan? I'm confusing myself... "I have a plan." Jane winked and began to speak.

Piper POV

   That idiot doesn't realize I see him stalking me. Whatever; he brought his new girlfriend with him, so i'm going anyways. He's a dick who broke my heart. I always thought highly of him. Why would he do this? I wanted to leave before my family came home. I couldn't risk the sad goodbyes; I was going. Now. Sean and his blonde were gone; I guess they went home. 

   During my road trip I got so many texts from my mom and my friends confused. I wasn't going to reply back to them. My friends would just be angry, my mom? I didn't care how she reacted. My life was a lie. Jacob's my half brother? Drama. I was escaping everything. Starting fresh. Happy..ish. 
I cried the whole trip. I had to drive to Wisconsin because I didn't have the money to fly. I stopped at a cute little diner on the side of a highway. It was too cute to pass! When I walked inside I got my usual order. Burger and fries. The guy smirked when I ordered that and laughed. I was kind of confused, that is until i felt something metal in my burger. A golden heart. A note was inside of it. 'Missing something?' What kind of a sick game was this?

Whatever it was, I wasn't going to play it and be the victim.

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