A man came to fill up our water containers and give out some food, before rounding us all up and announcing that we were going to be driving again. Apparently, our previous mission had been either completed or abandoned for someone else to do, because now we were going to be driving into Germany. It was going to take a very long time which I was already nervous about.

We were loaded into cars. I was put with Kellin but, to his dismay, Stephen was placed into the car in front of ours. He pouted, but got over it quickly and was back to smiling when he realised that I would be there at least. I did not understand why he would be so happy about that. I was not even sure why he was befriending me as I was so dull and miserable in comparison to him. Maybe he pitied me, but at the same time that did not seem like his style.

I tucked away today's food and, at the start of the car ride, brought out what little edibles we were given yesterday. I had decided that each day I would leave half of my food uneaten and save it for the next day in case of something bad happened. It meant that I was eating a lot of dried bread and strange smelling bacon, but I would be thanking myself if I somehow got separated from my group and had no steady food supply.

The car ride was steady and boring but, with every little bump we went over, I found myself gripping the edge of my seat. I was so paranoid that Kellin even pointed it out and assured that everything would be okay but I could not agree less with him. It was better to be on edge than careless though, which was the main difference between him and I.

I was surprised to find that, after a few hours, our car was coming to a halt. Confusion washed over me as it could not have been long enough to reach our destination. If my calculations were correct, we were just about on the boarder of Germany now and I wondered what was going on.

With the layout of the seating area of the car, we could only see what was going on behind the vehicle which was not the most helpful thing. I certainly cursed the one who designed the car like this as, when the gunshots came I had no idea which way to go to get away from them.

The bullets buzzed around, bursting through the walls of the car. It was deafeningly loud and I could barely hear my own thoughts. We all tried to fall to the floor but there was not enough space so someone ended up opening up the door as about half of us toppled out onto the ground. I cursed whoever did that too.

Looking around, chaos surrounded me. There were bullets being fired everywhere, most seemingly aimed at us. I noticed grenades flying around as if this were no more than a tennis match.

We had to stay low - were the other men clueless? Why were they on their feet, running? They were quickly shot down: easy targets. They were trying to shoot back too but it was useless. We had long range weapons, most of our attackers were within a few meters.

I could not see a thing but I heard the person to the left of me attempt to stand up. I quickly grabbed their arms and pulled them back down, attempting to save a life. The familiar high grunt told me it was Kellin. We had to get out of here.

In order to stop something like this from happening on a larger scale, they got the many cars with our people to drive two miles apart. Two miles: about five minutes. Help was five minutes away, maybe seven now. Seven minutes was more than enough to have us all killed. We had to take matters into our own hands.

I wiped my eyes; when I fell, my face got covered in mud. The only thing I could do was crawl so I did, motioning for Kellin to follow me. I guess the enemy (whoever they were) focused too much on those trying to run or those still in the car rather than Kellin and I who remained on the ground. I tried my best to block out all of the sounds around me like the bullets and cries and explosions, so I put up a mental barrier between myself and the outside world, leading the way.

We had been driving down a dirt road through the middle of nowhere but I had noticed a forest area to the side so that was where I was headed with Kellin scrambling after me. Just a little further and the trees would protect us. Not much left. I needed to carry on for just a little longer...

I heard Kellin hiss from behind me, probably in pain from an injury, which was not surprising. When I finally reached the edge of the trees I pulled myself up and helped my friend do the same. Then we ran. I grabbed his hands and tugged him along, weaving through the trees and away from the gunshots as quickly as we could. It was a miracle that neither of us was badly hurt.

We moved for so long until we could not hear the bullets or explosions anymore - then moved even further. When we realised that we were far enough away, we decelerated to a jog, a walk, and finally we stopped altogether. I leaned against the nearest tree, it being my only support as I was so tired I could have passed out then and there. I attempted to fill my lungs, which were begging for air, in short but large intakes of breath. The blood was running through my veins so quickly I could basically hear it. The rifle, which was attached with a strap, dangled from my neck. Kellin must have felt the same as he collapsed to the ground and I did the same, sitting next to him.

We both just breathed heavily and stared at each other, not knowing what to say. It was a long but much needed silence. Kellin's gaze then shifted to his hand which he held in front of his face as if examining it. His eyes sparkled with curiosity.

I softly brought his hand close to my face wondering what the big deal was. I flinched as soon as I saw it. A small chunk of flesh was missing from the side of his hand: nothing that wouldn't heal by itself, but it must have hurt, especially with how much it was bleeding.

My gaze was shifted onto his dirt-covered face again, while my lungs went back to normal. Then, as if his minor injury was all that mattered now, Kellin's face broke into a smile.

"It could be worse," he said hopefully.

I just stared at him for so long, trying to comprehend his way of thinking, until my eyes filled with tears.

"What do you mean? Our friends are dead, we're alone, we 'ave no way of finding our way back, we'll probably die too..."

I slowly shook my head, the tears spilling from my eyes. Seeing this, Kellin was quick to let his smile fade as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders in a comforting manner. Feeling myself letting go, I broke down against him, sobbing into his chest as he was all I had. I sat there, in his embrace, surrounded by greenery and silence, with two guns which barely held any ammunition, and half a day's worth of food.

"We have each other," the boy said quietly and I could not help but nod. Maybe he was right. Maybe it could be worse.

Limits [BoyXBoy] [UNFINISHED/CANCELLED]Where stories live. Discover now