"We still think that it's a great idea, but we have another proposition," a woman in a white silky blouse and pencil skirts asserted, walking forward as if demanding both our attention.

"We have decided that after the end of the first leg of your tour, we want to sort of fuse Fifth Harmony and your concerts. They're about to start their tour after their album is released at the same time the second leg of your tour is starting. So then, if you decide to add this song to the setlist, Lauren could come and sing along with you. Neither of you guys are the opening for the other, because both Fifth Harmony and you will be headlining the tour. Like the Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera one time a decade ago or the Demi and Nick Jonas one."

"So what do you think?" Roger asked once they were done explaining, "We already asked the girls from Fifth Harmony, excluding you Lauren, and they thought it was a great idea. So we just need both your approval before we start to inform it publicly. Of course there's gonna be some legal actions like signing NDAs and stuffs but we'll handle that when the time comes."

By the time Roger stopped, Lauren and I instantly gazed at each other, a smile creeping up on both our faces, only to look back at Roger.



"Are you going back to your hotel immediately after this?" Lauren asked once we were inside the car, the driver in front while we both sat at the back.

It was around midnight now and we had finally finished the song. We hadn't fully listened to the song since the producer was still perfecting it but we would be able to get something sometime this week.

We were sharing the car since it made sense. Lauren's hotel was near mine and it would save gas and ergo, save the world from the global warming; at least that's my excuse anyway. In truth, I just wanted to be with her, even if it's just for a short while.

"Yeah, probably."

"Well, do you wanna join me binge watch TV shows back in my hotel room?" She asked, surprising me by her question. I know that I like having her company, I just didn't know that she reciprocated how I felt.

"Would Lucy mind?" I asked, playing with my fingers by entangling it on my lap.

"Why would she mind?"

"Well, considering you're both engaged, it's likely for you guys to share a room together," I explained, trying hard not to sound bitter about it. Just the idea of them together in the same bedroom, doing God knows what, makes my heart clench painfully. I mean, I know for a fact that they've done it, obviously, but it still doesn't lessen the pain I have to endure every time I think about it.

"Oh... No, yesterday after the KCAs, she had a flight back to New York, she didn't even touch the bed since she came here the same day the KCAs were on," she assured, smiling softly at me.

"Well then, I guess it's alright." Silence filled the air for a second before I asked. "Is it gonna be American Horror Story? Cause I can't if it is."

"Honestly, I was thinking of Friends for a minute there, but I think you're onto something," she teased, tapping her index finger on her chin repeatedly as a mean of thinking, looking up to emphasize that she's brainstorming. "Heh, we'll see.."


"Lauren, I fucking hate you," I groaned, pulling the sheets to my face to cover my face with it as the show started. Even the intro for the show makes the back of my neck tingle. I was in the toilet whilst Lauren picked what show to watch.

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