
.....Ayato Pov.....

I saw that Haru nodded off into sleep,
Reiji put another pillow under his head and put a bucket next to him incase he wakes up and needs to puke. We all left to let him sleep and headed to the living room for a meeting.


.....3rd Pov.....

Reiji: somthings not right he's a supernatural he should not get sick.

Yuma: Hey Subaru was Haru acting weird at all yesterday?

Subaru: no, not really he was fine.

Kou: did he eat somthing funny or talk to someone that looked weird?

Subaru: no i don't think so...............wait.

All: what?

Subaru: he did say breakfast tasted a little funny before we left but that's it.

Ruki: breakfast.....who made breakfast?

Reiji: well the servants did but Yui brought it out to us.

All: Yui!

Kanato: so that useless girl did it huh, Teddy?
We should punish her for hurting our mate huh, Teddy?

Shu: *ZZZZZ* Where is that noisy woman?

Ayato: I'll go get pancake

I walked away and Teleported to pancakes room, she was sleeping in bed so I grabbed her arm and started to shake her awake.

Yui: h-huh A-Ayato-k-kun why are you in my r-room?

Ayato: I go where I want, now come with me!

I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder before Teleporting back to the living room. When i arrived back I threw her to the floor and backed away.

Reiji: Ms Yui, would you like to inform me why Haru was fine before yesterday's breakfast but this morning he woke up puking?

Yui: i-i don't k-know mabey h-he c-caught a b-bug g-going around.

Laito: well Bitch-chan we thought of that but you see with him being a supernatural being he dosent just get sick.

Kou: Yea, My neko-chan the only reasonable explanation is that he was poisoned.

Azusa: So...our question......is....what did....you..do?

Yui: I-I d-didnt do a-anything i-if that's w-what your saying.

Reiji: really well Concidering while Ayato went to fetch you I went to test a sample of Haru's saliva turns out it contained somthing, somthing especially poisonous for werewolves...wolvesbane.
The only question is how did he some how ingest it?

Yui: I-I had n-nothing to do w-with i-it! Why d-do you guys e-even care s-so m-much?


Yuma: you wouldn't understand how it feels to be loved Sow.

Yui: S-so if he d-died would y-you forget a-about him?

Kanato: you don't get it...

Kou: if he dies...

Azusa: we....also...

Shu: die.*zzzzz*

Yui: wait s-so if he di-ies you all a-are go-oing to die!

Ruki: yes livestock, you see when you meet your mate you are bonded together for eternity, but if one of us dies or he dies we will all die off, because of depression. Not having your mate is like loosing a peice of yourself, it's like being stabbed a million times over and over again because you know you will never have them back.

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