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{7:45 a.m.}

Your body feels like it's being shaken violently by an outside force.

"W-what?" You manage to slip out as you open your heavy eyelids.

"Y/n, you're awake. I've been trying to wake you up for the past 20 minutes," you look up to see Bigby speaking to you. His hair is messy and tousled around, his beard looks scruffy and he seems to be worried. "I thought you were sleeping but it seems you were passed out," he continued speaking. You were too mesmerized by his features that you blacked out on part of his speech.

"I was passed out?" You asked still in daze from being woken up.

"Yeah do you remember if you got some memory back or something?"

You sat up from the bed wondering what happened after you said goodnight to Bigby last night, nothing. There's no memory of you having some kind of dream or recovered memory. Everything seemed blank. The last thing you remember is seeing Bigby fall asleep next to you.

You shake your head.

Bigby gives out a sigh and looks over at you. He suddenly puts the back of his hand against your forehead.

"What if your getting a fever?" He keeps check your forehead trying to move the position of his hand to see if he could detect some kind of warmth.

You giggle as his hand starts falling from your forehead and traces your face down to your cheek. His hand rests on your cheek as he looks down on you. You give him a warm smile and lay your hand on top of his as you softly place a kiss on it.

"Thank you Bigby, for all that you've done."

He smiles and pulls in your head giving your forehead a soft kiss. You both stay there for a few moments with Bigby's chin resting on your forehead but are interrupted by a telephone ring coming from the living room.

"Shit." Bigby sighs as he gets up and makes his way out of the bedroom.

You tilt your head as you watch him leave, observing his back muscles and feeling a blush rise up from your cheeks. You soon stand up and follow him to hear him having a conversation with a rather angry female on the other line.

"Okay I get it." He glances over at you, "I'll be there right now stop the damn nagging Snow." And with that he hangs up the phone leaving the other end cut off mid yelling.

"What's going on?" You ask walking over to him and placing your hand against his bare back.

"Snow is on my ass about not being at work as much as I should be. We're starting to fall behind on paperwork and complaints. I think I'll be down at the office all day today."

A wave of guilt hits you in the pit of your stomach.

"I'm sorry Bigby, it's all my fault. I've been making you stay home and when you do get to work I always interrupt you. I don't me-"

"No, y/n. Whatever I do is my choice. I stay here at home because I want to. I need a break from time to time and," Bigby interrupted your guilt speech and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, "I like staying home with you."

You smile warmly at him as you both make you way back to the bedroom, his arm still wrapped around you.

"Hey, you look nice in my shirts." Bigby states glancing down at your sleep ware making you blush.

{6:20 p.m.}


I feel so bad about being the cause of all this. Bigby has been working for 10 hours straight and doesn't plan on coming back home soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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