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"No I refuse to go anywhere with you!" You exclaimed while trying to free your wrist from his strong grip. The brunette haired man sighed as he massaged the temple of his nose. "This is for your own good, just trust me," he exclaimed while trying to open the door to his apartment. "No! I don't know you, I don't know where you're taking me," you frantically said trying to release your hand once more. "I already told you. I just want to take you to the doctors office. Look I already called him up his name is Dr. Swineheart he's good at his job he'll be able to help you," he tried to explain while getting more and more irritated. He finally let go of your wrist seeing how you wouldn't budge an inch. You stepped back and crossed your arms, "how do I know you're telling the truth? You could harm me for all I know." The man once again gave an irritated sigh, you were beginning to push all his buttons. "If I wanted to do something I would've done it already," he replied. You looked at his eyes while rubbing the wrist he had previously had a hold on. "I really just want to make sure you're safe and take you home. The doctor is just going to give you a quick check up to make sure you're well enough to stand on your own two feet," he once again tries to reason with you. You looked down admitting defeat and slowly nodded your head, "okay. I understand." And with that he was able to get you out his apartment and walking to Dr. Swineheart's office.

~Small time skip~

You sat on the exam table as the doctor gave you a regular check up. He checked your eyes, ears, heart, and reflexes. "Well everything does seem to be okay. I'll be asking you some questions before further inspecting any other injuries that could've taken place on your body," the doctor spoke as he prepared a clipboard and clicked his pen. He surprisingly looked young apart from his grey hair, receding hairline, and comb over. He began to ask you some questions in regards to how you were found in the alleyway, "let's start off with your name." You chewed your bottom lip and squinted, "it's y/n, I believe." "You believe?" the doctor asked giving you a slightly startled look and looking up from his clipboard. "Everything is really fuzzy right now and that's the only name I can really pin point," you explained. "Does that come with a last name?" He asked jotting down some notes on his clip board. "Y-yeah, l/n, y/n l/n," you weren't entirely sure but it was the best bet you had right now. The man who brought you to this doctors office stood up and finally spoke after a while, "Swineheart she can't remember her name. What does this mean?" He asked stepping towards you and the doctor, a stern look pressed against his face. "Settle down Mr. Wolf that's what I'm trying to figure out right now," Swineheart replied finishing off with some notes. 'Wolf? That must be his last name,' you thought. You cleared your throat and asked, "your name is Wolf?" Swineheart looked between the both of you, "you haven't introduced yourself to her, even when you're the one who found her?" 'Found me?' You were interrupted by your thoughts as the man you only know as Wolf now spoke. "You're right Swineheart. My name is Bigby, Bigby Wolf and I'm a sheriff at this town," he finally introduced himself. Now you no longer had to refer to him as the brown haired man. You softly smiled at him accepting his introduction but then became confused by Swineheart's previous comment, "what do you mean by "found me"?" You asked looking towards them both. Swineheart looked at Bigby once more, "you didn't tell her that either?" He looked back at you to resume his series of questions. "Y/n are you aware that you were found in an alleyway, behind a dumpster by Mr. Bigby Wolf over here?" You shook your head in confusion. "Do you have any idea why on you could've been there in the first place?" Once more you shook your head 'no' to his question. "'Mrs. Y/n what's the last recent memory you can recall?" The doctor looked up at you beginning to understand what was going on. You looked down to the floor and softly bit your lip. This shouldn't be so hard to answer, it's just what you last remember. Seeing that you were struggling helped Swineheart's suspicions and asked you one final question, "When awaking in Bigby's apartment did you feel any severe pain in your body?" You looked up at him, "yeah there was a jolting pain coming from behind my head," you replied. That was the only one of his questions you were able to clearly respond to.
Swineheart placed his clipboard with notes down and went to inspect your head. He pressed around some points until you winced at one. He stood back and looked at you. Bigby was standing at the same spot just observing what was going on. "It looks as though you've suffered some type of memory loss," Swineheart explained while sitting down on his rolling chair. Bigby looked at him confused, "memory loss how?" You stayed quiet not knowing how to respond. It does explain how everything is jumbled in your brain right now and you can't seem to remember a thing. You decided to hear out the doctor and his explanation, "It looks as if she's suffered a blow to the head to put it in simpler terms. How this happened we don't know and we won't know unless shes able to regain her memories." Bigby furrowed his eyebrows asking further questions, "how long will this last? What do we do now?" "Amnesia, Bigby, isn't something we can pinpoint a date to. She can easily get her memories back tomorrow, a few days, months, years, or it can be permanent. There's no way for us to see which one applies to her so the best we can do is try to stimulate those memories by surrounding her by familiar objects or people," the doctor replied. "And how do we do that if we don't know anything about her?" Bigby asked sounding more irritated. Swineheart sighed, "I see that that's a problem. The best thing I can recommend is for you to provide a place for her to spend the night and have conversations with her. We don't know what can trigger a memory and that's the best thing we can do until you find out where she really belongs."
Bigby ran a hand through his brown hair thinking how he's going to let a stranger live with him until who knows when. "Doctor," Bigby cleared his throat, "I haven't seen her around. Do you think she's just a..." they both look up at you. Clueless to what Bigby could be hinting at you simply sat on the table twiddling your thumbs. "Or one of us?" Bigby added in a lower tone. Swineheart looked up at Bigby and shook his head, "I'm sure you, out of all people, are the only one who should know. If you haven't seen her around she must live outside this town, with everyone else." You looked at them clueless but decided against saying anything.

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