The Time To Confess

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Farkle's POV
"Hi" I said, wiping the tears off of my face. "Farkle. I have to tell you something." "How did you get through the guard?" I asked he came and sat with me on my bed "it's not important. What matters is that I'm here. And I have something to tell you." "What?" I asked. He pulled out his laptop and responded, "maybe I should let you read it. Here. Just take this and read it. Come find me when you finish." He told me handing me his computer and leaving my room. I looked at the screen; it was his English essay. Was he really ok with me reading this?

     Comedy or Tragedy? Which best describes my life. Can I say that I don't know? Because I honestly don't. I'd say tragedy but it's not really tragic. It's just kinda sad. I mean my parents are fighting and the guy I like likes someone else. I don't know if I'd call that tragic, but I guess that's for you to decide.
      My parents have never been perfect, but recently they've started fighting so much that they can't even get through one meal without breaking a plate. I try and stay as far away from home as I can nowadays. Farkle showed me a nice spot in the woods that I've started to spend a lot of time at. That helps some. I know that my parents love each other; they're just under stress because my dad's business isn't doing so well and we might loose it if we don't make money appear out of thin air.
      The other sad aspect in my life is that I really like this guy but he likes someone else. I've been trying to control myself around him, but my subconscious takes over. The first time this happened was during a game of truth or dare. We were standing in a closet and I kissed him. I kissed him and it was one of the best feelings I've ever felt. It was like i had put in a piece of me that I didn't even know was missing. But then I remembered, he likes someone else. So I pulled off of him and apologized. The next day he couldn't even look me in the eye. I had really messed up. Then he had dinner at my house and my parents started fighting and we started drinking and I kissed him again. I felt whole inside. But then he told me to stop. That made me feel empty. What was I thinking? How could Farkle Minkus like me? Anyway, I knew I couldn't mess up again. That was until he invited me over for an entire weekend. I knew my subconscious couldn't handle that so I made a deal with him that whatever we did wouldn't count for that weekend. That was one of the best weekends of my life.
      On the way to school yesterday morning some guys took pictures of us. I didn't think anything of it at the time. I know Farkle's parents are super successful and so the media is always in their lives. It made since. I understand that not everyone who donates to his Father's company is completely supportive of LGBTQIA+ rights but honestly I would keep my relationship from anyone and everyone if it meant that I got to be with Farkle. But when I came home after school my dad showed me an article about it. And I told my dad that I was gay. I was scared he would hurt me or something but he just hugged me and thanked me for telling him. So I guess this story has a happy ending. Except Farkle still doesn't like me so I guess that sucks.
      So what genre is my story? I don't know. I gave you the story so I'll let you give me the genre. Thank you for your time and appreciation.

P.S. Hey Farkle, Ms Harper showed me your essay so I thought it was only fair to let you read mine. I want you to know that I mean every word. I'm sorry I wasn't strait forward with you from the beginning. I didn't think you felt the same. I guess our story is a comedy. "The two boys who thought the other didn't like them when they were both probably super obvious about it." I guess love isn't just blind, it's blinding. I hope that me not telling you all of this hasn't changed the way you feel about me. If it hasn't I'll be in the woods if you wanna talk. I hope I see you soon.


Maya's POV
I got out my laptop and tried to start working. It showed the monologue I had written for Drama. Josh saw it before I could close out the tab. "What's that?" He asked. I told him about the assignment and he took the computer off of my lap and began reading.

A/N::: Please check out my book, Decisions decisions to help me pick the cover for this book! Look out for book 2 on Monday.

Song-"Need You Now" by Lady Antebellum

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