The Last Day

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Maya's POV
I woke up on Sunday morning and checked my phone to see that my mom had texted.
Mom-be back at 3:00pm tomorrow you might beat us home! Stay safe! Love you!
Just then josh woke up. He rolled over so his chest was up against my back. "What's going on?" He asked, still half asleep. I showed him the text. "We should FaceTime her." He joked."or," I suggested, turning towards him, "we could do this." I put my phone down and kissed pushed him down onto my bed and straddled him. "I am a fan of this." "Shut up." I laughed, connecting our lips blissfully.

Smackle's POV
"Oh good!" Charlie said, opening the door, "i thought I had scared you off!" I laughed as I entered the room. "So what do you wanna do first?" He asked. "Actually," i told him, "I heard that there's this new thing all the cool kids are doing it's called talking. Wanna give it a try?" He nodded, biting his lip and we sat down on the couch. "So your family?" He asked and I sighed. "So my family." He laughed and asked all about them. I told him everything. For the first time someone was there to listen to my problems instead of just telling me about their own. It felt good. Soon enough I found myself leaning closer and closer. It felt right.

Farkle's POV
"Ok Lucas," I said shaking the boy next to me, "a deal is a deal. Today you're mine." "What? That's today?" "Yes Lucas, that is today." "What do you want to do?" "I want to do to you exactly what you did to me." I smirked. "Preforming oral sex? Im not sure you can handle that" He smiled. I smiled, taking a step closer. "Perhaps you're the one who can't handle it." I smirked, grabbing him by the waist. "Why hello." He said once I pulled him closer. Our lips connected and I pulled away. "Now go make me breakfast." I ordered and he headed downstairs. I lied back down on my bed and put my hands behind my head. Today was going to be a great day.

Maya's POV
"So," josh said, pulling me into his side. We were lying naked in my bed still. "Yes?" I smiled up at him. "Your mom doesn't get home until tomorrow afternoon, right?" "That is correct." "So, let me walk you to school tomorrow. I'll leave you a block before we get there so that no one knows I'm there, but I wanna spend more time with you." "Ok." I agreed and gave him a quick peck on the lips before getting up, putting on my bathrobe and heading to the kitchen. "You know," he said entering the room still not wearing clothes, "you haven't taken a shower all weekend." "Well Joshua, that's because I showered before heading to your dorm on Friday." I told him. "That was a long time ago." He sighed, "I think you need another one. You're beginning to stink." I laughed. "Ok Joshua, you win. We can take a shower after breakfast." He cheered and walked around the counter to plant a kiss on my cheek. "Have I mentioned that you're beautiful?" I nodded. "Maybe a few times." "Well I wish I could say it a million." "You know what? How about we skip breakfast and go straight to that shower." He nodded and we headed into the bathroom, dumping the sheets in the washer on my way.

Smackle's POV
"So, what about your family?" I asked after spilling my entire life story, "Farkle has parents who are gone a lot for work and it seems pretty hard. Do you ever get lonely?" "Well I used to have my sisters around but one is out of school, one's in college, and the other two go to boarding school so now it's just me. Yeah I guess it's a little lonely cuz I don't have that many people over." "Really? You seem like you'd be super popular." "I guess, but most people don't really like me you know, they just like the fact that my family has money." "That can't feel good." I sympathized, receiving a shrug from the brunette, "you get used to it after a while." I placed my hand on his forearm. "But you shouldn't have to."

A/N::: ok guys I know what you might be wondering. Yes they actually got work done they weren't just fucking the whole time. Those scenes only last like 30 minutes they obviously did some homework in between. Yes I am going to church. I would be going more in depth on these but a.) I'm super innocent and b.) I am a straight female not a gay male. Hope you liked it! They'll be back in school on Monday! Xoxo -Emma

Song-"Church" by Chase Atlantic

Homophobia (Editing???)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt