The Wait

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Smackle's POVHe was here too? How was this possible? I was sure that he wouldn't be here

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Smackle's POV
He was here too? How was this possible? I was sure that he wouldn't be here. Could he actually be smart? Oh no. This is not good. The smarter he was, the more likely I would fall for him, the more pain i would be in when he left. This is so not good. He took the seat right next to mine. "Why hello Isadora." He greeted and placed our baby on his desk. "Really?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "I'm a father now sweetheart," he smiled, "I need to start acting like it." I crossed my arms and turned to the front. I could feel his eyes still on me once I turned. I tried to ignore it and pay attention to the lesson.

Lucas's POV
Our math teacher was blabbing on about similar triangles and how to tell what angle type they were when a Farkle joke popped into my head.

Maya's POV
"Weren't we in one of those during middle school?" I read, trying to contain my laughter. "Which angle were you?" I wrote before passing it back to the tall boy and waiting for a response."The right angle of course! Opposite the longest side. You and Riley were the least likely to be together so therefore you two are the longest side. Making me the right angle." I rolled my eyes at his comment and began to respond.

Lucas's POV
"Why are you not in Algebra 2 with those smarts?" Maya has always been so sweet and supportive and loving. I thought it was so horrible that she had to go through so much. I guess we all have to go through the burning rings of hell, but she still deserved better. "I know right!" I wrote, "that's what I've been telling everyone!" I folded the paper and passed it to her. As I waited for a response I thought of Farkle. All of the notes we've shared in history. Now we were raising a fake baby together. My mind wandered back to truth or dare. Kissing him in the closet, then again on his bed. I know I felt sparks, I just wasn't sure if he had too. I was snapped out of my thoughts with a tap on my shoulder. I took the folded up paper out of Maya's hand and read the fresh pen marks. "How's your history project going?" "Good yours?" I wrote "Good. We were lucky." "And why is that?" "We got the two smartest kids." She informed me. I thought back to history this morning and suddenly realized something.

Maya's POV
"Who texted you during history?" Lucas wrote. Should I tell him? I should probably keep it low key considering its technically illegal, but I trusted Lucas. I knew he would appreciate me following my heart. "Josh." I wrote back. "Seriously? What'd he say?" I could hear the desperation from the note alone. "Oh poor Lucas. Wouldn't you like to know." the notebook paper was quickly returned to me "Yes please!" "Ok ok, mr good manners, you win." I wrote, "I'll tell you after class."

Smackle's POV
"May I please borrow a writing utensil?" Charlie asked. I rolled my eyes. "Here you go." He took the pencil after letting his fingers linger on mine for a few minutes. After a little while I saw a folded up piece of paper on my desk. "You have very pretty nails, Isadora. Has anyone ever told you that?" "It's Smackle." I wrote back. "But Isadora is so much better. It is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Smackle sounds like a new number." "That's precisely why I go by Smackle." I wrote, "To prove that I'm more than a pretty face. Smackle is the name of a future mathematician." "Well it's good to want to be more than a pretty face but you also have to remember the opposite. You're not just smart. You're also funny and outgoing and brave and selfless. You're amazing." "How-how do you know that? Not even my friends would know those things. No one notices me." "I notice you. I notice a lot of things about you. Like the fact that you're a perfectionist and that you erase all of your notes at least once because your handwriting isn't perfect. I also notice that you're a people pleaser. Potentially because your parents have high expectations or maybe because you were the last one in the friend group and you feel the need to prove yourself." "Are you stalking me?" I passed back. I read his response just as the bell rang. "Yep and next Im going to be following you to lunch and English." I laughed as I got out of my seat. Could it be that this boy actually cares for me?

Song-"Anything But Love" by Shane Harper

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