The Closet

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Farkle's POVI sat there in shock

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Farkle's POV
I sat there in shock. Was this really happening? Was Lucas Friar, the boy of my dreams, really about to kiss me? "Umm ok" he finally said. He came closer and closer and soon enough his lips were on mine and I felt nothing. It was like my entire body had gone numb, but at the same time I felt everything: as if the Fourth of July was happening inside of me. I wondered if he felt the same way. No, he liked someone else. It couldn't be me. I was just the scrawny geek who sat in front of him in History.

Lucas's POV
As our lips moved together I felt electricity shoot through me. It was as though we were the only two people in the world. Could he be feeling the same way? No. I thought, he liked someone, and I know for a fact that it wasn't the lugheaded jock who sat behind him in history. We were friends, that was all I'd ever be to him...

Farkle's POV
...and I was fine with that. "To the closet?" He asked holding out his hand. I took it happily and followed him in.

Lucas's POV
"So?" I asked as we stood in the small, dark space. "So." He answered. We stood silently for a few seconds until my subconscious took over. I grabbed his cheek and kissed him hard, pushing him up against the wall and letting my hands feel all over the boy. What was I doing? He liked someone else. Finally I pulled off of him.

Farkle's POV
"I'm so sorry. This was a mistake; I didn't mean to. I promise I'll never do it again, ever." He rambled once we had separated. Had I done something wrong? No. He liked someone else. How could I have been so stupid? Of course he didn't like me! Why would he? I'm me. He probably still had feelings for Zay. I mean that's probably why he never answered my note. "It's fine." I told him, forcing tears back behind my eyes, "I mean we're in a dark closet. Feelings can get pretty confused. I get it. Friends?"

Lucas's POV
"Friends." I agreed, wishing we could be so much more. We agreed not to talk about what had just happened. I had already been embarrassed enough by kissing my crush who liked someone else. I really didn't want my friends laughing at me for it added to the list.

Farkle's POV
"What happened in there? We heard a bang." Maya asked once we came out. "Nothing," i told her, "I just leaned back on the shelf and something fell" "So you guys just stood there?" Zay asked. "Boo!" Maya and Smackle shouted.

Lucas's POV
"Not exactly," Farkle started and I felt a wave of worry, "We talked about our history project." I finally let myself breathe. "Ok then." Smackel submitted and we returned to the game.

Farkle's POV
I walked to school alone the next morning. Normally I would've walked with my friends, but I wasn't sure I wanted to see Lucas in a non school setting just yet. I sat down at my desk and took out the outline Lucas and I had made together. Looking at it made me realize something: yesterday wasn't just the day I got my heart broken, it was also my very first kiss with a guy, I smiled, remembering the way Lucas's hands felt on my skin, in my hair, how his lips felt against mine. Before I could think about the tragic events that followed that magical moment Lucas Maya and Riley walked in. "Where were you this morning?" Riley asked. "Oh you know, I just wanted to get an early start on the day!" I lied with a fake smile.

Lucas's POV
He was avoiding me. He didn't want me to like him. He liked someone else. I had made our entire friendship awkward in seven minutes. "You wanna get started?" I asked him. He nodded, still not meeting my eye. I really messed up this time.

Farkle's POV
"Ok we have four days till this is due, at least five days until we present and today to work in class. We can do this." I says once we sat down. Lucas giggled. He's so dreamy when he giggles. Farkle stop staring!

Lucas's POV
Farkle got super excited about our project. He's so adorable when he gets excited about school work. Lucas stop giggling!

Farkle's POV
We worked all period and only got one paragraph written. I mean sure I rewrote this paragraph 7 times because it wasn't perfect but it was still just a paragraph. "Continue This after school?" Lucas asked. I nodded, "my place or yours?"

Lucas's POV
"Um can we do yours?" I asked. I didn't want to show Farkle my family right now. My parents were pretty pissed at each other and I didn't want him to have to see that. "Sure," he responded, "just bring your swim trunks and an overnight bag."
Hope you liked it! I wanted to give them a cute hook up without reaching a relationship because I don't want them to get the happy ending in the fourth chapter, but don't worry it's coming. Thank you for reading Xoxo -Emma

Song-"I Won't Say I'm In Love" by Susan Egan

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