All the time wasted

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Adrien slowly made his way to Alya's house. He was curious as to what she needed to tell him. It sounded really serious, and he was deeply worried about Mari.

He passed by the work place and remembered that his father and Mrs. Berlira were working together on a line.

Maybe she was overreacting. Adrien was positive that Mari was most likely with her boss since he could tell that the girl was a determined worker.

He entered the establishment and greeted some familiar and unfamiliar faces. He made his way to his father's office who, coincidentally, was with Mrs. Berlira. He used his manners to greet the two and then lightly conversed before casually bringing Mari into the conversation.

"So about Mari, have you seen her lately?" He asked.

"Well she's been on her break and I've given her extra time to rest. Other than that I haven't seen her and she hasn't come here since the fashion show."

Adrien began to grow anxious and then got up from his seat and excused himself out. Mrs. Berlira looked confused and then looked at Mr. Agreste.

"Children are a strange phenomenon Sandra." He said sighing.

"Yes, I've had my fair share of phenomena." She replied and the two went back to work.

Adrien was now running to the address that Alya had sent to him. He didn't bother with the elevator and ran up the stairs. He made sure that he was knocking on the right door and waited.

He waited..

And waited.


He was growing impatient and tried to open the door and to his surprise, it was open.

He entered the apartment and it didn't seem like Alya had left. He could see her bags and keys on the kitchen counter. He knocked and looked and nothing. He checked Mari's room which was colored in familiar colors.

He also saw her bags and keys. On closer inspection the keys were for a motorcycle which impressed the boy. He moved on and found something that stood out compared to the rest of the room.

It was a pink box that looked like journal from the outside. He knew it was wrong to look through her things, but he thought it might lead to a trace of where she may be.

In it were mostly memory objects and small scraps of papers. At the bottom he found a photo of what seemed to a happy family. He smiled for a bit.

That was until he looked closer.

All he could do was run up. He knew Mari would tend to hang around the roof. He hoped and pleaded that she was there. All he wanted was to find her.

He opened the door to nothing. No one was there; it was just the wind blowing against him. The street lights lit up and looked glorious, but to no avail.

He placed himself on the edge and thought while looking at the photo in hand.

All the years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, all the time wasted.

It was all regained, well could've been. If only he'd thought about it sooner. His oblivion had come before his conscious.

He was so torn that he couldn't hear the foot steps approaching him. They slowly began to get faster and faster. That's all he heard before like once before, it all turned black.

Leaving only a family photo behind on top of the roof..

Ayyyyy new chapter. Thank you all for the lovely messages about me coming back. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and enjoy my return. If you have any guesses on what may happen next feel free to message me. I always enjoy seeing your comments. So as always stay tuned and love you all. Bye bye~ <3

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