She's gone, Just like the wind

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Ladybug was jumping from roof to roof in search for Chloe. She was pacing around worriedly.

"Chloe!"  She screamed desperately.

She found a good place to rest.

Ladybug laid down on the rooftop to rest. She's been searching for an hour now, almost two.

She sighed and took a deep breath.

"That's it for today I guess."


She woke up the next morning dreadfully tired.

Alya walked into the room with two mugs full of coffee.

"You seem wonderfully awake." She snickered.

"Oh but of course.." Mari said taking one of the mugs.

"Any luck finding Chloe?" Alya asked.

"Nothing. It doesn't make any sense to me." Mari sighed.

"What doesn't?" Alya said.

"First she was attacked, but right after she was kidnapped. What could they possibly want from her?" Mari said taking a sip of coffee.

"Maybe they just want to grab your attention instead. Someone must know you're close to her and might want to bait you in." Alya said using her detective skills.

"Maybe....well I need to clear my mind...I'm gonna head out." Mari said putting on some leggings and putting her hair into a bun.

"You're leaving in that shirt?" Alya said while examining her oversized Harry Potter shirt.

"Duh.." Mari said teasingly.


Mari was at the art museum enjoying the art when she suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry! I've been so clumsy lately.." She said looking at the person who had bumped into her.

Her eyes went wide. She saw that bright red hair and instantly knew who it was.

Not gonna lie he grew up nicely. Mari thought to herself while chuckling.

"M-Marinette?" He said just as surprised.

Mari quickly grabbed him by the arm and ran towards the cleaning closet. She pushed him in and entered locking the door behind her.

"How?!" She said.

"What..." He said a bit frightened.

"How did you know it was me." She said a bit less aggressive.

"I-i..." He tried to stutter out.

"Look I'm sorry about the sudden rush. It's just that how did you find out while everyone is completely oblivious." She said while her voiced cracked here and there.

"Once you truly love someone you can recognize their eyes anywhere." He said sweetly.

Mari smiled.

"I don't feel that way anymore though, but that doesn't mean it never happened." He said calmly.

"I understand, but that doesn't work for everyone." She sighed.

"What?" Nathaniel said confused.

"Once you love someone for so long you don't see the change in their eyes, you can't accept the change in their eyes, and that blinds your love. Trust me, I would know.." She sighed.

"Well it was nice seeing you again Nathaniel. Please keep in touch." Mari said leaving the room.

"Oh Mari you've really hit rock bottom...haven't you....its for him isn't it....he has no idea how lucky he is." Nathaniel sighed remembering the girls love.


Mari was just plainly tired. She needed to find Chole and quick before suspicions rise. People will connect the dots and realize something is up.

Who could it be? Mari kept thinking.

She was once again sitting on the roof of her apartment complex.

"Well well, looks like we meet again~" Chat said.

"Chat I know we just met and I don't wanna be rude, but I'd like to be alone right now.." She sighed.

"What's the matter?" He said taking a seat right beside her.

He was so calm and collected although he only met her a few days ago. Well not actually, but he met Mari a few days ago. I guess the feeling is normal and familiar to him so he doesn't mind.

"It's nothing really..."

"That's a lie." He said proudly.

"Yea it is." She blatantly said.

"Well Dr. Chat Noir would be happy to help with your problems." He smiled.

"Chat you're just being humble, honestly you don't have to help me and you know it. So why don't you just go." She said a bit harsher then expected.

She realized what she said and turned over to see a stunned and sad Chat.

"Oh god Chat I'm sorry that came out a bit ruder then expec-"

"No, I understand we did just meet. Who am I to suddenly come into your life....I'm sorry." He said as he jumped away.

She felt like screaming and kicking herself.

"Why do I keep messing up....I just don't know what to do anymore mom..." She said as she started crying.

"Marinette.." Tikki said as she gently laid on Mari's shoulder.

"Sorry you had to hear all that Tikki." She said.

"It's ok Marinette we all need to let go of stress every so often. You just did it by the anger and frustration that's been boiling inside you, but I'm not the one you should be apologizing too." Tikki remarked.

"Yea, I need to make things right again. It'll be hard, but it needs to be done." Mari smiled as she wiped off her tears.

"I need to tell Chat who I really am......."

Dun Dun Dun!!! Wowie finally finished this chapter. Sorry for the wait..I've been having major writers block lately for some reason. So tell me what you guys thought about this chapter and yes we will have more appearances from Nathaniel. So as always love you all stay tuned bye <3

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