I never meant for any of this.....

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Adrien was too worried about Marinette. She hadn't gone to school in 4 days.

He's gone to her house every night and she was never there.

Please be okay....


She wasn't. Marinette went to the hospital on Saturday and has stayed there ever since. The days went on and on. With some news being good and most being bad.

The thing that really shook Marinette was what happened to the other victim. When the ambulance got there the person that had been in the other car vanished. Like they were never there...

Marinette knew the chances were very low, but she wished her father the best.

Suddenly her mother left the room and looked at Marinette. It looked like she'd been crying as well.


"Marinette, I know it's sudden, but we are leaving the bakery and relocating..." Her mother said wearily.

"What!" She stood up.

"We can't just move! What about school, the bakery, what about dad....." She fumed.

"We are doing this for your safety. Someone might know your identity and they might come after you...."

"So your saying they're coming after us..how are you so sure?"

"I'm not. That's why this is for the best..." Her mother sighed.

"Alright but where are we moving to?" She said sadly.

"New York..." She said quietly.

"What! That far! Mama...."

"I'm sorry, but we're moving in 3 weeks so pack up your things early." Her mother said just as disappointed as Marinette.

"What about Alya, and Chat noir?" She said.

"It'll be fine, you both already defeated hawkmoth almost months ago. Things have been smooth since then."

They continued talking. Marinette was shocked when her mother told her how long they would be gone for. She nods and goes home to pack.


"Tikki how do I tell Alya! There's no way I'm just gonna tell her, Oh leaving for a few! See ya." Marinette sighed.

"Just invite her here and take it slow, but you realize for this you must tell her your are ladybug." Tikki added.


"You have to tell her Marinette. She's your best friend. She deserves to know the truth." Tikki exclaimed.

"Alright...." She sighed.

~later that day after school~

Alya's phone rang and she looked to see that it was Marinette. She squealed in excitement. Catching both Nino and Adriens attention.

"Girl where have you been!" She said.

"Sorry it's that these past few days have been pretty rough." She said through the phone.

"Do you wanna talk about it.." She asked.

"Actually yea, and a few other things too, but do you mind coming to my house for it." Marinette squeaked out.

"When do I ever mind!" She exclaimed.

"Thanks Alya, you're the best!"

"I know!" Alya smiled proudly.

"Alright see you later."

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