No matter how hard i try...

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Mari woke up sweating and panting. It's been two days since she encountered that villain. She's been on edge ever since.

She decided to go to the park. It's the only place she can ever really clear her mind.


She sat on the swing set. It was 3:00 in the morning, but who cares.

"You again." Manon said smiling.

"Manon? What are you doing here? It's really late? Wait where's your mother?!" Marinette asked worriedly. She knew Manon often liked to go out on her own.

"Mom is at work. Pulling an all nighter." She simply stated.

"Oh were you at the station with her?" She asked.

"Yea, but I left. It's not like she'll notice." Manon pouted as she started to walk along.

"Hey, your mom is probably just really busy. She does care about you I kno-" she was about to finish.

"Then why does she always ignore me. She's never home so why should I care about her!" Manon said turning around. Her eyes were a surprising red.

Manon suddenly ran off. Mari stared wide eyed. She suddenly remembered those eyes. Those deep dark crimson red eyes.

"He wouldn't..." She said.

She then remembered his cold voice that sent chills up her spine.

"That bastard?!" She said as she ran off to find Manon.

She looked everywhere, but found no sign of Manon. She looked up and around the buildings. Then spotted a figure on top of a five story building.

She acted fast and made her way there.


Mari opened the door to the roof.

"Manon! Get off that ledge it's dangerous!" She yelled.

Is he willing to go that far. Is he willing to take the life of an innocent child just for my stupid identity. Mari grit her teeth.

"No one one cares.." Manon kept chanting.

"Manon! I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that something bad happened to you!" She yelled.

Manon turned around.

"Someone I knew told me the exact same thing four years ago.." Manon for just a second came back to her senses.

All Mari needed was a second and all of this could be fixed.

"Please Manon come down from there. We can talk things out." She tried and tried.

Manon began to take a few steps towards Mari. Then once again those dark eyes appeared. Manon bit her lip.

"I'm not worth all this trouble." She whispered as she jumped.

Mari was quick to react and didn't even have to tell Tikki to transform her.

She jumped right behind her. She spread out her arms revealing her wings. She caught up to Manon and grabbed her as quickly as possible. They were mid-way down and Mari cuddled Manon up against her.

Mari would have to take the entire hit. Knowing her she didn't care as long as Manon was okay. She couldn't fly with both hands and arms occupied.

Mari ignored all of Manon's screams. She ignored all of the worries that would come after they landed. All she did was bring Manon closer to her. She managed to put Manon on top so she wouldn't take any damage.

Manon was crying and apologizing. Mari didn't care. Mari whispered some words and kissed Manon on the forehead. After that she hit the ground.

Manon managed to crawl out of her grasp. She was crying and calling out her name. Manon was calling out a variety of names.

Manon might be very young, but that doesn't mean she isn't smart. She quickly connected the dots and realized that Mari, Marinette, and ladybug were all the same person.

"Don't tell anyone my identity..that's all I ask for..." Mari smiled as her transformation wore off.

"I'm sorry Tikki, I didn't know things would get so out of hand." She whispered.

Tikki was silent. She was completely shocked and speechless.

Manon nodded and swore to not tell a soul.

Mari smiled. After that everything went black.


Manon was panicking. Both Mari and Tikki had fallen unconscious after. She was holding on to Mari, but quickly let go. Manon hadn't realized it before, but took notice now.

Her hands were covered in blood. The two scars that Mari had, had reopened completely and were bleeding.

She looked around her. She couldn't find anyone. It was 3 or 4 in the morning. No one heard her screams and her cries.

Well mostly everyone. She saw a black figure swoop from building to building. She screamed out his name as she walked out the alleyway she and Mari were in.

"Chat Noir!" She yelled.

He heard and came down quickly.

"How can I help you little lady." He smirked until he opened his eyes.

They were full of fear and anger. Once he saw Manon's hands covered in blood his attitude quickly changed.

"Help me please.." She said as tears strolled down her face.

"Of course, but I'm gonna need you to tell me what happ-"

"That can wait!" She yelled as she grabbed his arm and pulled him into the alleyway.

His eyes went wide. He walked up to her.

"M-Mari...." He whispered as he saw the blood leave her body.

He has felt so much pain and fear in his life, but this was something he'd felt before. It's something he told himself he'd never feel it again.

Pure anger.

I'm officially dead. This story is so fun to write, but it's also hard since I mess up my keyboard with my tears. Also I hope you guys like that reference from one of the earlier chapters. What do you think is gonna happen next? I'd love to hear your guesses. Well as always love you all, hope you enjoyed, and stay tuned! Bye <3

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