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Can we party cause this is FINALLY almost over?? Just one more chapter to go after this one, and then an epilogue! Mainly because we just want to get this over and done with already. - Candy


Kyle's POV

It didn't take us very long to pack our stuff up from off the tour bus. Though, Alex and I did most of it, while Johnnie stayed out of the way really. I don't really want him doing any heavy lifting, even though he is still quite early into the pregnancy. I honestly just don't want him getting hurt at all.

Jordan and Damon had helped out too, and made sure that Bryan stays away from the bus while we pack our belongings away. They didn't really need to do that, but it was nice of them to do that nonetheless.

Once that was done, I had gone off to talk with the event organizers about Johnnie and I dropping off. Luckily they didn't push any questions onto why we wanted to drop off, which I was a little surprised about, as I thought for sure they'd want to know why.

Now though, Alex, Johnnie and I are on our way back to Bryan's apartment. I'm not sure what exactly is going to happen once we get there, but we're going to have to find our own apartment by the time Warped Tour is over and Bryan gets back.

In a way I suppose that Bryan has every right to kick us out of his apartment, but he really didn't have to be so harsh about it. At least we'll be away from him and won't have to worry about him any more though, especially considering how much of a dick he's been lately.

Honestly though, I can't say that I'm not glad that we won't have to keep living with Bryan. I'd definitely rather Johnnie and I get our own apartment. Though, I am annoyed at the way Bryan reacted to the news, but what's done is done.

Right now though, I don't care what Bryan thinks. He can go fuck himself for all I care. All I care and am worried about right now, is making sure Johnnie is okay, and that the sooner we get back to the apartment the better, and as soon as we get there, we can start looking for a new apartment. Hopefully one that's nowhere near Bryan. I don't want to have to deal with him anymore, and I'm sure Johnnie doesn't want to now either.


"You okay, Johnnie?" I ask later on during the day as the three of us arrive at a hotel for the night.

He sighs, nodding his head as he sits down on the bed in the middle of the room. "I'm just tired is all." He says. "And hungry."

Nodding, I give him a quick kiss on his forehead. "Well, you just try and get some rest, and Alex and I can go out to the store and get you some food. How does that sound?" I ask.

"Sounds good." He yawns, before laying down on the bed, not bothering to get under the blankets or get changed.

Walking over to Alex as she just flops down onto the other bed in the room, I sit down next to her. "You wanna go to the store and get some food?" I ask.

Nodding, she sits up. "At the promise of food? Definitely." She says, before looking over towards Johnnie. "Though maybe we should try not to take too long at the store." She adds. "I don't think we should leave Johnnie alone for very long."

At that the two of us are getting up, saying a quick goodbye to Johnnie and telling him we'll be back soon - which I'm not sure if he was really listening or not - before we're headed out of the hotel to get food.


A couple days later, we get back to the apartment after staying in a hotel for a couple days, and the first thing that Johnnie does, is go off into our bedroom to most likely get some more sleep while Alex and I stay out in the living room. The two of us have decided that while Johnnie gets some sleep, that we'd search for a new apartment online, seeing as we'll need one, and soon.

I'm not sure what Bryan will do if Johnnie and I are still here by the time he returns from Warped, but I'm not taking any chances. I want to be out of here before Bryan gets back, and I'm sure that Johnnie does too.

"Here's a nice one." Alex says, pushing her laptop - well, Johnnie's laptop actually - closer to me. "Three bedroom apartment, not too big and not too small." She explains, clicking through the photos. "I think this would be a decent enough size for you and Johnnie."

Setting my laptop to the side, I take the laptop from Alex and look through the description for the apartment. It looks decent enough, quite possibly affordable if I take up a new job somewhere, seeing as though we don't really get that much from YouTube. Maybe this could be the one?

"It is quite nice." I say. "But we'll see what other ones there are first just in case we find something better." I decide. "Plus, I do want Johnnie's input on the apartment as well."

Alex nods, taking the laptop back and looking through more apartments. She voices her opinions on a few more every so often when she finds a decent looking one, and I tell her to just bookmark the page and we'll sort through them all more once Johnnie gets up.

I honestly never thought that looking for apartments online would actually turn out to be a little enjoyable, despite the circumstances surrounding why we need to look for one. Though, quite a lot of the nicer looking ones are way out of mine and Johnnie's price range. But we're only looking for a nice simple apartment for now, despite the temptations from the very nice looking ones.

I just hope when it comes to choosing an apartment, we choose the right one for us, and end up actually getting it. But most of all, I hope we can get one before Bryan gets back...

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