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Johnnie's POV


I let out a groan, rolling onto my side away from the voice that's trying to disrupt me from my sleep. I really don't what to be woken up right now, so hopefully whoever it is that's trying to wake me, is going to just leave me alone.

"Johnnie, wake up."

Sighing as whoever it is doesn't seem like they're going to go away anytime soon, I open my eyes and look over my shoulder. Alex was standing there with Kyle behind her.

Sitting up, I rub at my eyes tiredly, before looking between the two of them.

"Johnnie." Alex starts. "Kyle wants to talk with you about, this."

Nodding, I move over on the small couch, and allow Kyle to sit down next to me. The two of us definitely need to talk this all out and figure out what the hell we're going to do now.

Though, I know for a fact that if Kyle doesn't want anything to do with me and our baby, that I won't be able to cope raising it on my own, and I'd end up getting an abortion. But if Kyle does want to have this baby with me, then we're going to have to figure this all out.

"I'll leave you both alone now." Alex says, before leaving the bus, allowing Kyle and I to talk alone about this.

We're both silent for a while after Alex leaves the bus, the both of us seemingly not knowing what to start with. Until Kyle finally breaks the silence.

"Johnnie." He starts, avoiding eye contact with me. "Fuck, this is all fucking terrifying." He sighs, shaking his head.

This makes me begin thinking the worst, but at the same time, I had a feeling that Kyle wouldn't want to have anything to do with the baby and I. He's only seventeen after all, and I'm only eighteen. We're both still young, and I can't raise a baby on my own if Kyle wants to have nothing to do with it.

"Kyle, I understand if you don't want to have anything to do with the baby." I sigh, not meeting his eyes. "I if you don't want anything to do with me or the baby, I'm not sure if I can raise it by myself." I say. "I'd probably get an abortion if you won't be there with me to raise our baby."

Kyle's quiet for a bit, and I finally look up to see him watching me. Though, exactly what he's feeling right now, I can't quite tell, but I do think I can detect a bit of fear in his eyes.

"Johnnie, no." Kyle finally says, shaking his head. "You don't have to do that." He assures me. "Even though I'm fucking scared, I want to have this baby with you." He says. "I know we're both still young, and won't know what the fuck to even do, I'm willing to try."

This catches me by surprise. He's willing to have this baby with me?

"You're actually willing to have this baby with me?" I ask.

He nods. "Yes, Johnnie." He smiles. "I'm willing to have this baby with you."

Tears begin to form in my eyes, before I'm pulling Kyle into a tight hug, crying into his shoulder as he rubs a hand round my back.

Kyle is willing to have this baby with me, and even though we're both still young, and will know hardly anything about what to even do, the both of us are willing to try. No matter what happens, we'll both be there for each other, and most importantly, we'll be there for our kid.

What ever happens, we'll make it through this...

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