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Kyle's POV

I look over at Johnnie. He's been acting strange ever since I got here. He's being really secretive also. I can't help but think I did do something to upset him. But he just won't tell me what.

Shaking my head, I get up and walk over to Bryan's bedroom door. I knock on his door a few times, before he eventually opens the door, letting me inside. "Kyle, you okay?" He asks.

I sigh, shaking my head. "It's Johnnie." I say, looking down the hall over to the living room. "I'm worried about him Bryan." I say.

Bryan sighs slightly, before getting me to follow him inside his room. He indicates for me to sit next to him on his bed, and I do. "Can you be honest with me right now Kyle?" He asks. I nod. "Do you like Johnnie more than a friend?" He asks.

My mouth falls open slightly. I wasn't sure how to answer that to be honest. Yeah, I might like him more than a friend, but. There's no way that Johnnie does too. Is there?

Sighing I look down at the floor. "I don't even know Bryan." I sigh. "I mean, Johnnie's a great guy and all. But." I sigh. "I don't know if I can get any closer than friends with him. I don't want to face the heartache."

Bryan sighs, wrapping his arms round my shoulders. "Kyle." He sighs, shaking his head. "Do you honestly think that all you'd get from Johnnie is heartache?" He asks.

I shake my head, looking away from Bryan. "I don't even know what to expect." I sigh, shaking my head slightly. "I don't know if I should tell him, or if it's just better left alone." I say.

"Do whatever you think is best." Bryan says, patting my back softly. "After all, you may find that your feelings aren't just one sided." He says. (I feel as though Bryan is actually trying to get Kohnnie together in this Lol ~ Candy)

I nod, standing up. "Thanks for the advice Bryan." I say. He smiles at me. "No problem." He says, standing up also, and we both walk out of his room.

We walk into the living room and I go sit next to Johnnie as he lays on his side on the couch with his knees to his chest. "Johnnie, Kyle." Bryan says. "I'm just going out to the store." He says. "I'll see you two when I get back."

Both Johnnie and I nod at him, as he grabs his keys and wallet, before walking out of our apartment. Leaving Johnnie and I alone. Surrounded by awkward silence.

Okay, how was I going to tell him this? Would he be mad? Or, would he fell the same way? Bryan said that my feelings might not just be one sided. I mean, Johnnie had been acting strange since I got here. Is it because he feels the same way towards me?

"Johnnie?" I ask nervously. He looks over at me, sitting up. I bite my bottom lip nervously. "I-I've got something I need to talk to you about." I say.

He nods, looking down at the ground. "I've got something I need to talk to you about too." He says, looking back at me, his eyes drifting down to my lips, then back to my eyes.

Suddenly, he takes me by surprise, pulling me closer to him and pressing his lips to mine. At first I'm frozen with shock by the action, but eventually kiss him back, wrapping my arms round his waist and pulling him closer to me.

We pull away after awhile, and Johnnie watches me with wide scared eyes. "I-I'm sorry!" He squeaks out. "I should never have done that!" He says. "You don't even like me in that way." He says, before getting up off the couch and running off to our room, locking the door behind him.

Well that answers my question if he likes me or not I guess. And I suppose it answers mine. I bring a hand up to my lips, touching them softly. I smile slightly. I definitely think I enjoyed that.

I then get up off the couch and walk over to mine and Johnnie's bedroom door, knocking on it. "Johnnie, please open the door." I say. I sigh sightly. "We need to talk."

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